What is Free Comes from the Greatest Creator, What is Expensive Comes from the Devil


January 7, 2023

The way of nature is the way of the Greatest Creator. Everything in nature is free and provided to all life without charge—sunlight, air, soil, water, and so on. When people appreciate the beauty of nature and feel joy, or when they experience the wonderful sensations of climax due to excitement, these are all gifts from the Greatest Creator, freely bestowed upon life.

Ultimately, we will realize that all free things and beautiful experiences come from the Greatest Creator.

Every year, many people affected by disasters worldwide receive free food, tents, medicine, clothes, and other supplies from the United Nations. This, too, reflects the care and protection from the Greatest Creator.

When someone offers help to others for free, expecting nothing in return, they embody the attributes of the Greatest Creator and are worthy of praise and respect.

If a being lives in an environment where everything is free, they are living in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator—in heaven.

In the Second Home of Lifechanyuan, everything for each member, from food, clothing, housing, and transportation to birth, aging, illness, and death, is provided free of charge. Even romantic relationships cost nothing and incur no debts. Therefore, the Second Home belongs to the kingdom of the Greatest Creator.

In human society, everything has a price tag, and people are driven to pursue money in order to buy these things. This is not the will of the Greatest Creator; it is the plan of the devil. For example, encouraging young people to buy houses, take on mortgages, and make monthly payments to the bank increases their living costs and mental stress. This way of life is not a blessing from the Greatest Creator but a scheme of the devil.

Everything should be shared freely. Humanity can live a heavenly life, but human nature's inherent selfishness, greed, arrogance, laziness, and love of comfort prevent the birth, development, and growth of the Greatest Creator’s kingdom on Earth. All of this is the result of people’s own choices.

What I want to tell people is this: do not continue thinking about survival issues using old ways of thinking, nor continue living according to your established lifestyles, because there is no beautiful future in that direction. If possible, offer free services to others as much as you can, and ideally enter a way of life where everything is free. In this way, you will not only escape worries, pain, anxiety, sorrow, and fear but also break free from the cycle of reincarnation. This is because you are walking on the path of the Greatest Creator, not the path of the devil.

Walking on the path of the Greatest Creator may be difficult at first, but the future becomes increasingly beautiful. Walking on the devil's path may seem easy at first, but it grows harder and darker as you go.

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