Facts Are the Best Judges


Jan. 27, 2021

No matter how charming, how beautiful, or how extravagantly colorful your words may be, they are worthless. Let them be confirmed by facts.

Any theory or preaching that is not supported by facts is not credible. Any conclusive discourse that cannot be verified by facts is the resorting to sophistry and is irrational. Theories that have been proven to be unworkable, including those in the so-called classics, have all been fabricated. All theories and discourses that have not been verified by facts are falsehoods and should be dismissed.

If in the face of facts, you still resort to sophistry, try to cover them up in every possible way, try to find all kinds of excuses, and argue with others about them, it can surely be said that you are unreasonable.

We cannot prove the rationality and correctness of one theory using another theory, just as a lie cannot prove itself not a lie by still another lie. The only way to prove its rationality and correctness is to show the facts.

If the facts cannot prove that you are right, then all your theories and preaching are false.

If you say that you can grow a two-hundred-kilogram Chinese cabbage, well, do it, and show us your two-hundred-kilogram Chinese cabbage.

If you say that you are a Buddhist master. Okay, first, educate a Buddha and let us see the result.

If you say that you are a master of traditional Chinese culture and are proficient in traditional culture. Okay, please let us see the facts about your respect for your parents, harmony between you and your wife, harmony in your neighborhood, and the filial piety in your children.

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It's easy to speak big and beautiful words, but they only count when you can put them into practice, otherwise they are only catchphrases, and are all a form of self-deception.

To verify whether a person has real talents, real connotation, and whether he lives up to his words, we should not listen to what he says, but we should see what he is doing and what he has done. Facts are the best judges.

To verify whether a set of theories and a doctrine are reasonable, legal, and will conform to human nature, we can only let the facts speak for themselves, because facts are the best judges. If there are no facts, they are just nonsense.

Respecting facts is the basic morality of a human being.

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