A Cruel Energy Flow Diagram


June 07, 2021

The day before yesterday, in the afternoon, I knelt on a mat to weed, loosen the soil, and fertilize the roses in front of the guest rooms. Why was the whole process of working so joyful? Because the roses were growing vigorously, I feel joy when I look at flourishing roses and because of my joy, I like to weed them, loosen their soil, fertilize them, and finally water them.

The cruel reality is somewhat different, however. More attention and energy should have been given to the weak ones. The strong ones can strengthen themselves and do not need much effort or care. The weaker that one is, the less care and energy they will be given; the stronger that one is, the more care and energy they will be given. You see, the higher one’s official rank is, the more supporters and flatterers they will have, and the more people who will be sending them gifts. The more successful a business is, the more money banks like to lend to them and the easier it is for them to borrow money and raise funds. The more handsome a man is, the more capable he is and the more that beautiful women will want to marry him. Some men have married dozens or even hundreds of wives, and all of them were beautiful, gentle, and capable, but many men cannot find a single wife and can only remain lonely bachelors. The drier a place is, the less likely it will be receiving rain, but the wetter a place is, the more rain that will fall. The better, the more prosperous; the worse, the bleaker. Is this the law of nature?

I consider myself a saint, so why do I also prefer the lush Chinese rose flowers from the bottom of my heart? I will expose more of my thoughts here: the more beautiful and sexier one looks, the more I like them. Oh my god! Is that what a saint is like? I used to be a permanent resident of Zimbabwe, so why did I leave? I went to Vanuatu and wanted to build a home there, so why did I not? I am a Chinese citizen, so why did I leave my birth country and settle down in Canada? It turns out that essentially, I like better living environments.

I finally understood what Christ Jesus meant when he said: "for whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance, but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath". This is the energy flow diagram.

After seeing and understanding this energy flow diagram, as people, we must strive to make ourselves excellent all-round. The more excellent, the more energy one will get; and the more imperfect, the less energy they will get. It is useless to complain, to cry and shout, to blow up, or to have trouble with others. The only way that works is for you to make yourself excellent. This is the true meaning of "God helps those who help themselves"!

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