Another Mystery of Life


Jan. 17, 2021

Someone was going to build a luxury villa somewhere, the drawings were ready, and the materials were ready. At that time, a geologist came and told him: "I can tell you 100% for sure that in four years, there will be a big earthquake where you choose to build the villa and then all the buildings will be razed to the ground."

Could you tell me, will the owner of the villa continue building it?

Someone's child was admitted to a famous university in the United States, and the whole family celebrated. Then a fortune teller came and said, "It's better for your child not to go to study in the United States, because in four years, on the day of his graduation, he will be involved in a car accident. "

I would like to ask: Will this person still want to send his child to go to the university in the United States?

Someone was going to invest one million yuan in a real estate business, when a stranger came and said, "You’d better stop doing business in real estate. You will make one hundred million in the first ten years, but in the eleventh year you will not only go bankrupt, but also be taken to prison and all your property will be confiscated."

The question: Is he still planning to get into the real estate business?

When a person knows exactly that what he is doing will bring him misfortune in the near future, generally speaking, he will stop acting on it.

The problem is that when a couple are about to conceive and give birth, they do not need to ask anyone, everyone knows that the child they give birth to will surely die when he grows up. Even if they know that the child will surely die, people will still give birth to children.

Throughout the history of human beings, the vast majority of people’s lives will end in tragedy, and their lives will be spent in trouble, pain, anxiety, and sorrow. Even so, people will come to the world and have a try at it. They have all devoted themselves to the hard work and struggle in life with the fluke mentality of "I will live well". Generation after generation, they have been multiplying like this, which can be described as " in the Changjiang River the waves behind drive those ahead" and "no tears will come when you do not see the coffin".

Why are you so irrational?

The reason is that people do not know what will happen tomorrow, so they live with hope and anticipation; they can't help themselves but are pushed by their survival instinct and by the tide; there is no other way but to do so.

This is the mystery: people enter the world to experience life. The process of life is a process of experience, apart from this, these people have nothing to gain.

Knowing this mystery, we will find that the geologist, the fortune teller, and the stranger mentioned at the beginning of the article did a bad thing. They should not tell the truth to the builder, should not tell the parents what will happen to their kid who will go to school in the United States four years later, should not tell the one who is going to become a real estate businessman what will happen in ten years, because the truth deprives them of the process of experiencing life.

Just imagine, if you tell a newborn pig: "When you grow up and you will be fattened, people will stab a knife into your heart to kill you and then they will eat you", can this pig still have a happy and joyous life?

It is cruel to tell the truth. It is more in line with human nature and natural law to let people live in a daze.

Even if the truth is told, few people are willing to believe it. Sometimes lies are more compassionate than the truth.

Live happily! Every day should be a happy day, and life experience is very important.

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