Avoiding Collisions


March 27, 2024

Fruits, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, among others, should not be allowed to bump into each other, as the areas of impact are likely to rot.

Vehicles such as cars, ships, and airplanes should avoid collisions. Once a collision occurs, they will suffer deformation and damage.

Tribes, nations, and countries should avoid conflicts. The outcome of such conflicts often results in mutual defeat, or one party being dominated by the other.

Even hard materials like stones and steel can fragment or even break when they collide with each other.

From this, it’s clear that in human interactions, people should also strive to avoid conflicts. Conflicts inevitably lead to harm, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional.

Any part of the body, once injured due to a collision, can lead to disability and lifelong consequences.

When people resort to name-calling, belittling, insulting, and attacking each other with harsh, vulgar, and negative words, it damages both their spirits and souls. As the saying goes, “hatred sown in the heart will sprout.” This hatred can last a lifetime, and given the opportunity, revenge is almost inevitable.

Quarrels, arguments, and debates between people are essentially forms of conflict. While bystanders may find inspiration or even benefit from them, the party who loses in these disputes can end up feeling defeated, much like the losing rooster in a cockfight, leading to depression and difficulty recovering. This is a form of harm.

One of the differences between earthly life and the life in heaven is that on earth, people are constantly in conflict with each other, whereas in heaven, conflicts among people do not exist.

Therefore, to determine whether a person possesses heavenly qualities, observe whether they are constantly in conflict with others. Even occasional conflicts suggest a lack of these heavenly qualities. Those who are constantly involved in quarrels, arguments, and debates have no place in heaven.

Behaviors such as condemnation, nitpicking, belittling, criticizing, questioning, cursing, insulting, and attacking others are all forms of conflict that can hurt the other party. However, the principle of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction” applies here, and the person initiating the conflict will also inevitably suffer an equal amount of damage.

Therefore, on the journey of life, especially on the path to heaven, it is essential to strive to avoid conflicts.

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