Xuefeng, the Great Demon King, Is Spreading Deceitful Words Again


July 1, 2023

  1. Throughout my journey, those who have deceived and wronged me were the poor, the unfortunate, and the powerful. The affluent have never deceived or harmed me. Reflect on your experiences; is it the same for you?

  2. I have grievances against Jesus Christ. You had divine powers; why didn't you directly lead humanity into the kingdom of the Greatest Creator, instead of letting ordinary people endure over two thousand years of suffering? How much longer must the people suffer under your watch? Haven't two thousand years been enough?

  3. I have grievances against Buddha Shakyamuni. Supreme in heaven and earth, your teachings are boundless in power. Yet, after over two thousand years, countless beings still cannot escape the sea of suffering. Is it your teachings' incompetence, or do they pale in comparison to the sorcery of demonic forces?

  4. I have grievances against Confucianism. Since Emperor Wu of Han adopted Dong Zhongshu's "suppressing all other schools, venerating Confucianism" policy, you Confucians have wielded power! However, over two thousand years, how many common people have suffered and perished? What kind of life have they led? Your Confucian ideology ruled China for over two thousand years, and the common people endured suffering for the same duration. You Confucians have truly deceived the common folks!

  5. I have grievances against the Chinese common people. For thousands of years, you have always hoped for the appearance of a "wise ruler," yearned for an "Oriental sage" to descend. Yet, for over two thousand years, no wise ruler has emerged, and no sage from the East has descended to save you. Are you still waiting? Keep waiting! When your great-great-great-great-grandchildren are on their deathbeds, the "wise ruler" will finally appear! The sage will descend! You are irredeemably ignorant!

  6. I have grievances against Communist Party members. I do not know if I can voice my grievances against Communist Party members without facing censorship and suppression, but I'll cautiously raise a question: Is your oath to "struggle for communism throughout your life" genuine or false? If you encountered real communism, would you be afraid?

  7. What exactly is "Sinology" ("Guoxue")? Is it the "study that upholds the country," or as Lu Xun put it, "When I open up China's history, there are no timelines, on every crooked page are written the words 'benevolence, righteousness, morality.' I could not sleep, after careful scrutiny in the dead of night, I saw between the lines, the whole book was filled with two words: 'eating people.'" Following Lu Xun's speculation, "Sinology" is the study of "eating people." Since then, I'm too scared to read or listen to "Sinology."

  8. Contact with a virus causes infection; does contact with the unfortunate infect you with their plight? Does contact with barbarism infect you with barbarity? No, it does not. Does contact with a black person infect you with blackness? Contact with a white person infects you with whiteness? Contact with an Asian infect you with Asianness? Contact with the poor infects you with poverty? Contact with the rich infects you with wealth? "Near vermilion, one turns red; near ink, one turns black." That cannot be true, right?

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