Live in the Future, Rather than in the Present


August 29, 2020

The present is painful; food, clothing, shelter, birth, old age, sickness, death, reciprocity, resentment, and hatred are all current troubles and pains. “Nine out of ten times, life is not as good as one wishes it were”, every family has their problems and each individual has troubles. Troubles are not easily escaped. "As we live in the complications of the human world, we have to adapt ourselves to changing circumstances"; every day, people either struggle on the line of death or spend their days worrying. Living in the present is like living in a sea of bitterness.

Rooted in the present, our consciousnesses should live in the future because the future is the gathering place of our dreams, ideals, and fantasies. We can imagine the beauty of our future to our heart's content even if the reality is bitter and tired, even if it is terrible; as long as we let our consciousnesses live in an ideal state of the future, we can be optimistic, romantic, treat sad situations as temporary dreams, grit our teeth, and survive. Think about the beautiful futures that we plan, think about the picturesque and free places in which we we will live; even if the sky falls, "it is of no matter".

Our past consciousnesses create our present realities. Similarly, our present ones can create better futures. According to the principle of visualized thinking, our futures are mainly created by our imaginations, so we can create our own ideal futures. In this case, why should we live in the present? Would it not be more comfortable to live in a future scenario that we can imagine?

The only things that are impossible are those that cannot be imagined. If we live in the future, then we can imagine a better life to our heart's content. This is not Ah Q's way of winning spiritually, it is a way to get rid of difficulties and move towards a better future.

We should find ways to make ourselves happy. I was born to a very ordinary peasant family, but my consciousness often lives in the future where thinking about it makes me happy. Many things that I imagined in the past have become my reality today, so I learned the technique of living in the future. I can rest assured that my future will be as thrilling and beautiful as I want it to be. When I live on the island of Balikia on the Celestial Islands continent ahead of time, all of my confusion and worries will be gone, as will my anxieties, concerns, and fears.

How stupid it is to live in the present! Live in the future! As long as you live in your imagination of a better future, you will find that the present is a dream. Try to see how it works.

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