Historical Records Cannot Be Fully Trusted


Those who rely on historical records to understand history are mostly lacking in thinking abilities. Those who explain history to others are mostly spokespersons for deception. Historical records commissioned by those in power are mostly unreliable.

The truth of history remains unknown to those who have not experienced it firsthand. The poor cannot impartially evaluate the rich, the failures cannot fairly assess the successful, those who have seized power cannot impartially evaluate the achievements of the previous regime, and those who have been treated unfairly cannot objectively evaluate the facts. The majority of people, when evaluating others or events, do so from the standpoint of their own class, status, interests, position, beliefs, and values, rather than from an objective and impartial perspective. Even if someone respects people and facts greatly, due to the level of their cognitive ability and enlightenment, the content they relay may deviate from the truth, or even completely distort it.

From this, it can be inferred that the contents passed down by humanity through books cannot be fully trusted. Even great works such as the Bible, Buddhist scriptures, and the Tao Te Ching cannot be fully trusted unless they were written by the authors themselves. Anything recorded by later generations based on memory, transmitted orally, or compiled by later generations may have been distorted to some extent.

The best way to cover up one's wrongdoing is to distort right and wrong, followed by threats, intimidation, or even extermination of opponents, and then to beautify one's actions through words, pictures, or edited videos. Over time, the truth is completely obscured, and history appears "glorious".

This understanding is not based on archaeological discoveries proving inconsistencies between historical books and historical reality, but on my personal feelings. For example, there is a video on the internet that depicts the Second Home created by the Lifechanyuan as an "evil home". All the content in the video is fabricated and completely contrary to the facts. Not only is it contrary, it is completely distorted. From this, I deeply feel that historical records cannot be fully trusted, and all online comments cannot be fully trusted, especially those from the powerful.

Only what one has personally experienced and felt is true. The rest is difficult for us to determine whether it is true or false. For example, a certain medicine, endorsed by celebrities and described as miraculous in advertisements, but its true effect can only be known through personal verification.

The true history is something we can never fully understand because we cannot go back in time to experience and feel it ourselves.

Most of the information on the internet is not reliable because much of it is hearsay and not firsthand accounts. Even if it is a firsthand account, we cannot personally experience and verify it.

Believing it may lead to being deceived; not believing it may mean missing out on opportunities. Whether to believe or not depends entirely on oneself.

It is still better to read the book of nature without words, to read the sky, the earth, people, things, and all phenomena in nature, because the book of nature without words is not written by humans; it is the word of Greatest Creator.

March 27, 2024

Last updated