Those Who Argue About Reason Do Not Understand It


January 31, 2024

A bee and a fly got into a dispute. The bee stated: “The most delicious thing in the world is the fragrance of flowers.” The fly retorted: “The most fragrant thing in the world is dog feces.” Neither could convince the other, leading to a fight.

Three individuals, A, B, and C, got into a conflict that lasted for two thousand years without a clear winner or loser.

Person A argued: “The most important thing in life is money. Money can make the impossible possible, buy the best services in the world, afford luxury houses, cars, yachts, and enable travel around the globe. Money can work miracles, allow people to live with dignity, and its benefits are endless. People perish for money, birds perish for food, hence the most crucial thing in life is to devise ways to earn money.”

Person B countered: “The most important thing in life is affection. Money is as worthless as dung, while affection is priceless. Where there is affection, there is warmth, peace, and beautiful weather; where affection is absent, there is chaos and turmoil. When affection exists, love flourishes and marriages last a century; when affection is absent, families are destroyed, and lives are lost in an instant. Money without affection is like a haunting ghost, while affection without money is akin to a divine deity. Therefore, the most important thing in life is to nurture, maintain, protect, and cherish affection.”

Person C interjected: “The most important thing in life is neither money nor affection, but the pursuit of truth. Truth enlightens the mind, keeps people on the right path, enriches the heart, and leads people to a brighter future.”

Persons A, B, and C could not convince each other, leading to daily arguments and occasional physical fights.

The chairman, general manager, and secretary started fighting! The chairman declared: “Sell all the company’s stocks.” The general manager objected: “It’s a bull market, a golden opportunity to make money, we can’t sell.” The secretary added: “The overall market situation indicates that the economic crisis has not yet arrived, there is still profit to be made, it is right not to sell. However, grey rhinos and black swans may appear at any time, it might be wise to sell now.” The chairman and the general manager each had their own reasons for selling or not selling, the secretary added fuel to the fire by playing both sides, leading to heated arguments that left the company’s prospects in jeopardy.

So, who is right, the bee or the fly? Persons A, B, or C? The chairman, general manager, or secretary? The answer is that each has their own reason.

Thus, we find that everyone in the world has their own reason, and everyone’s reason is right. If anyone wants others to accept their reason, it just proves that they don’t understand reason.

So, we can draw a revelation: no one should impose their own reason, but simply let their own qualities shine.

So, how can we avoid quarrels, arguments, and even fights caused by reasoning? The answer is: whoever is responsible, whoever bears the consequences, they have the final say.

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