A Small Capitalist Discusses Xuefeng-style Communism


January 30, 2024

I was born into poverty and, through hard work, became a minor capitalist for a time. After becoming a capitalist, I employed two workers in my home. One was a young girl responsible for washing clothes, cleaning dishes, and maintaining indoor cleanliness. The other was a middle-aged man responsible for maintaining flowers, trees, lawns, swimming pools, keeping vehicles clean, and feeding two large wolf dogs. The gate didn’t require management because it was a remote-controlled electric gate.

This comfortable and leisurely life lasted for over a decade, and I have the following insights.

For society to progress, there must be wealth disparity, and there must be upper, middle, and lower tiers. The upper tier thinks, the middle tier understands management, and the lower tier serves the upper and middle tiers. This is an ideal social situation. Equal poverty or common prosperity will result in everyone not being able to live a comfortable and leisurely life. There are a small number of people in the population who are good at thinking and taking risks. If they are asked to do management or service, they cannot do it well. That would be a waste of a lot of resources in society. The middle tier is good at and understands management. They don’t think long-term. Letting them do service work would make them feel unwilling. The lower tier doesn’t want to think and doesn’t understand management. It’s very suitable for them to do service work. In this way, everyone is happy.

I employed two workers in my home. Because I got rid of the trivial and time-consuming housework, I could have plenty of free time to study and improve my ability to manage things and handle more important work. And the two workers, because I employed them, not only had food to eat and a house to live in, but also could take care of their families. So I was happy, and they were satisfied.

If a society no longer has class differences, and everyone’s living conditions are the same, then it is equivalent to punishing diligence and rewarding laziness. The result will definitely lead to the poverty of all people. A society without wealth disparity and class existence is definitely the worst society. At the same time, the better the social welfare, the higher the taxes on capitalists, the greater the power of unions, and the higher the minimum wage standards for workers, this society is a society that deviates from the natural way. It is a very unjust and unfair society. Its direction is bound to collapse.

From this, let’s examine the so-called Xuefeng-style communism. If this Xuefeng-style communism is what we understand and envision about the concepts and practices of communist society throughout human history, then undoubtedly, Xuefeng-style communism will certainly be a flash in the pan. It is purely utopian and will inevitably fail as it progresses.

The reason why Xuefeng-style communism has existed for over a decade under challenging conditions and is still operational is that it is definitely not the type of communism we think and imagine. It must meet the following conditions:

1. It must allow those who think, are good at management, and provide service, to feel satisfied and happy.

2. Every member must be wealthy in terms of spiritual and mental wealth, and there cannot be a parasite who benefits without working.

3. Every member must be selfless, without an ego.

4. There must be a goal that is more beautiful than the enjoyment of being human.

5. The soul garden of every member must be beautiful, and there cannot be any emotions of jealousy, comparison, greed, resentment, etc.

6. Its management system cannot be autocratic and centralized, nor can it be a democratic central system. It must be heavenly.

7. Its founders and successors must not have a penny of personal property.

8. It must be against human nature.

If the above eight points cannot be achieved, humph! Xuefeng-style communism will definitely be a fleeting, colorful wave that rises in human society.

Can it be done? The difficulty is greater than landing on Mars, let’s wait and see!

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