The Application of Lao Tzu's Thought in the Management of the Second Home


Nov. 30, 2010

Chanyuan celestials in our 4th branch

The Second Home is the new life mode for future mankind. It is managed by the holographic thinking, whose core is conformity to the Tao, compliance with nature, absence of action, lack of contention, observance of neutrality, absence of dominance, lack of selfish desire, and enthusiasm for service. Specifically speaking, the management method of holographic thinking means following the way of the Greatest Creator, running everything according to the programme of nature and according to man's origin of nature, avoiding the extreme employment of man's intelligence and wisdom, staying away from all measures and methods that are likely to lead to contention, argument, and fight, refraining from radical behaviors, making no rules, regulations, laws, commandments, and orders, eliminating all private ownership, and trying every effort to bring out the sincerity, kindness, beauty, faith, trust, and peace in human character. The distinction between people and people is only the difference in division of labor, and there is no relation of the managing and the managed. All are offering services to each other, and there are no such positions as the administrators. All affairs, important or not, will be handled on the basis of clear division of labor, with special persons assigned to take special responsibility for the special affairs.

The management of the Second Home should depend fully on Lao Tzu's Thought, which is represented by the following eight points.

1.Guidance by the saint and management by the talented (the management here only implies a difference in the division of labor instead of the difference in the status) "saint Manages affairs without action;

"Preaches the doctrine without words;

All things take their rise, but he does not turn away from them;

He gives them life, but does not take possession of them;

He acts, but does not appropriate;

Accomplishes, but claims no credit.

It is because he lays claim to no credit

That the credit cannot be taken away from him. "

2.“Exalt not the wise“ ,“Prize not rare objects“,“Shut out from site the things of desire“

“And the cunning ones shall not presume to interfere. "

3.“In his dwelling, (the Sage) loves the (lowly) earth;

In his heart, he loves what is profound;

In his relations with others, he loves kindness;

In his words, he loves sincerity;

In government, he loves peace;

In business affairs, he loves ability;

In his actions, he loves choosing the right time."

4.“Banish wisdom, discard knowledge, Banish "humanity," discard "justice", Banish cunning, discard "utility".

5.Embraces "the One"(one core principle, thinking or method etc.) in everything you do.

6.Eschew excess, eschew extravagance, Eschew pride.

7.Govern the home with justice, not with human wisdom, do away with "taboos", “sharp weapons", "skills of technique", and "statutes".

8."Despise not their dwellings, Dislike not their progeny. "

From the above eight points, it can be known that there should be invisible saints in the Second Home, who do not guide with preaching, but with wordless examples, who create things silently but do not take possession of them, and who serve all creatures but do not claim credit for their services. Do not flaunt the worthy and talented, do not distinguish the superior from the inferior. The rarer a thing is, the less use it will be put to. Do not set up things that may stimulate a person's selfish desire. Leave no loopholes and market for the deceiving and cunning persons to act wildly against the law and public opinion. Keep a clean and tidy living environment, the people in the neighborhood should be unsophisticated and honest and sincere. People should have a kind heart, and treat people kindly. They should seek truth from facts, tell things as they really are, and keep their promises. What they do should fit in with their hobbies, personalities, and special talents. They behaviors should comply with natural laws and their actions should accord the actual situation. Give up cunningness and artfulness, stick to the way, abandon the preaching of righteousness and morality, discard skills, fame, wealth, and ranks. Make people unselfish and possess nothing. Make sure that they have nothing but actually possess everything. Embrace the One in everything. Revere and believe in the only Greatest Creator in the universe. Abide by the overall arrangement of the only government in the whole world. There will be only one person responsible for everything. Do not have a life of luxury, and do not waste. Practice moderation in everything. Do not overdo. All affairs and arrangements of the Second Home should be made public so that everyone has a clear knowledge of them. Do not engage in secretive management, do not practice superstition. People should stick to facts, science, logic, and spiritual perception. There should be few prohibitions, commandments, terms, and taboos in the Second Home. The Second Home should never possess any swords, spears, rods, and other weapons specially to harm others. It should not sing praise of people's cleverness and skills; it should make people live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy the ordinary life. It should not cause disturbance to their settlement, or disrupt their peace and quiet. It should make sure that everyone enjoys the joy, pleasure, freedom, and happiness of life. It should abstain from force, coercion, and suppression, and should make sure that no one imposes his or her own will upon others.

In one word, the Second Home adopts Paradise Management. The content of this method of management is both simple and complicated, and only those with supreme wisdom can understand. Yet, no matter how complicated the management is, everything will become extremely simple as long as you follow the way of the Greatest Creator or the way of nature. Otherwise, the management will become extremely complex.

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