Will you go Backwards to the Sunset or Face the Rising Sun?


Nov. 27, 2022

"Toward evening, feeling indisposed and listless, I drove my chariot to an ancient elevation. The setting sun looks glorious indeed, only it is so close to dusk." Since it is near dusk, the sun will set, and darkness will consume the earth.

"The red sun rises in the east with majestic momentum, and the first rays of the sun color the gown of the green mountain. Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers received their charm from the sun, while the rain and dew lead the literary excellence for the ages." When facing the rising sun, always start the new day full of energy, throw yourself into the embrace of the rising sun, and your future will be assured.

Sunset industries will soon be eliminated. For example, with mobile phone cameras, who will make Kodak cameras and point-and-shoot cameras anymore? Who wants to make ox carts and carriages when there are cars? Who wants to buy a flashlight when you can have a mobile phone? Who wants to buy a city traffic map when you have mobile phone navigation? With the popularity of cars with an automatic transmission, who will make cars with a manual transmission? Who will hire workers on the assembly line since robots are now available? With more powerful social software, who will go to QQ? With 800G mobile phones, who will make 20G mobile phones?

Yesterday, a lot of industries disappeared. Today, many enterprises have closed. Tomorrow, many people will lose their jobs. The sunset industry is on the verge of bankruptcy and close and entering the history museum. Do you feel sorry? There is no time for regrets or remorse or no chance to repent or hate. It is worthless and meaningless. When the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty, those "patriots" who opposed the Qing Dynasty and tried to restore the Ming Dynasty became synonymous with reactionary, and their ending was bound to be tragic.

With the iPhone 13 Apple mobile phone, other mobile phones will gradually be eliminated by the mobile phone market, and with the Musk Starlink mobile phone, the iPhone 13 will also enter decline. It is an inevitability of the development of human society and an inevitability of history that old generations will be replaced by new ones, and the waves behind will push forward the waves ahead of them.

When we stand on the top of the mountain in the Lifechanyuan era and look down at all the activities in the world, we will find that many people’s pursuits are blind, and they are desperately chasing the sunset, such as the men and women racking their brains and making real effort to get married and start a family. They are running into the darkness and are both pathetic and pitiful, while the Chanyuan celestials who have already climbed to the peak will enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers, but they are still worrying and anxious about whether to plant radish or corn on their small piece of land at the foot of the mountain.

With the Second Home model, who wants to save money to buy a house for themselves? Who wants to sharpen their brains and become a civil servant? Who wants to start a business for their own family? Who will engage in making social connections?

With the 800 Values for New Era Human Beings, who would study law to become a lawyer or judge? Who still racks their brains to become an official? Who wants to be a soldier and die for his country? Who wants to join a political party or a church?

In today's world, only Lifechanyuan is a sunrise industry, which is breaking through the horizon and preparing to rise to illuminate the mountains and rivers, while all other activities are sunset industries. In the near future, entering the Second Home will be the equivalent to owning one of Musk's Starlink Mobile phones, with all its powerful functions, and the rest will be like flashlights, cameras, calculators, televisions, newspapers, magazines, ox carts and carriages, all of which will disappear on the horizon of the setting sun.

Those who engage in sunset industries are wasting their time and energy and are working diligently in vain.

Those who enter Lifechanyuan are creating a sunrise industry. Although in the beginning it will be difficult, they will definitely develop with vigor and their futures will be bright.

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