People Mostly Are Rapists in the Wechat Groups


March 8, 2020

What's the day today on earth? So many Wechat groups. The epidemic howling again. The crowds are frantic with dreadful and painful memories. Daily routine should be the same. Only that the mind has changed already. How idle are you ? Drifting in the Wechat groups all day. I have been in many Wechat groups, but I quit from them one by one. Why? Because I was raped by Wechat group friends. For example, when I joined a new Wechat group, I firstly said “Greetings and blessings to all friends here". As a result, very few people responded. In a group of nearly 500 people, almost no one paid attention to me. I was confused, are they all dead here? There is no echo in this empty valley, just like a tomb will not respond back to me. Anyhow, I will stay and see what are people doing here.

As a result, I was bombarded indiscriminately. The Wechat group is fishier than the seafood market. What is in the seafood market is at least something from the water, but the Wechat group is like a rubbish shopping mall with everything in it, which is dazzling and dizzying. There are “Big God”, “main Buddha”, “bricklaying specialist” (same pronunciation as expertise in Chinese), “superior”, teachings of every religion and system of philosophy, Taoist magic, those are from heaven, underground, water, mountains, history, current, philosophy, technology, even from the gutter, everything you can imagine, especially those “superiors”, they are very clever, cleverer than Mr. Clever, than the village named “Very Clever”. They are all “Masters” level figures, “Big shit” (same pronunciation as big master in Chinese), whom I do not dare to provoke, and I cannot afford to. I observed it carefully for a long time, and finally discovered the mystery. The Wechat group is a place for people who have nothing to do but to show their existence.

They all talk to themselves, feel good about themselves, arrogant, self-conscious, making aimless judgement, incapable of doing great things, but don’t want to do small things, having strong feelings of I am the number one in the world, “if I can't do it, who can”, very bored but want to be blockbusters and all-powerful “big shots”. Why did I say that I was raped?

Because whether I like it or not, people throw the fragmented things that they think are “good” toward my retina, and at this moment they want me to go with the Buddha, another moment, they want me to follow Jesus, for a while they ask me to follow the Party, another while they ask me to follow Tao. I was confused and lost, don’t know where to go. What's more, lots of small pictures were piled up before me, whether I like it or not. Isn’t this rape? In the Wechat group, what I fear most is not the above, but the teachings of “high morals”. Using the most beautiful words, they taught me how to be a human being, how to improve my spirituality, how to become a Buddha, how to live forever, how to “win the universe”. They even taught me how to walk, whether I should take my left foot first or the right foot first. Your Grandpa! You have said all good things, I guess you have also done all bad things. What do you call this? This is called moral kidnapping, belief kidnapping, positive energy kidnapping! Looking back on my past, I found that I am not a good person myself. I have also done this before. No wonder some people call me “preach”, someone call me a “shrew”, and some suspect that the purpose of my hype on the internet to promote Lifechanyuan is to “cheat money and sex”. Thinking about it, it seems really this case. I saw countless people are following in my footsteps. I am not good person, and you probably aren't good person either. Is there any good stuff in the Wechat group? The answer is:yes, there is! But very rare. It is harder to find good thing here than to find diamonds in the forest. A Wechat group must be a place for the exchange of ideas and emotions. If a Wechat group is not for communication, but to show off, to spread and peddle your garbage ideas and garbage works, and to transfer thing that you don't understand from one group to another, to copy a large number of small pictures, then the Wechat group is a tragedy. If you don’t believe me, check yourself. People who always talk about gods and deities are in the Wechat group, people who are brainless are checking Wechat group all day long, all people who have nothing to do are muddling along in Wechat group, all people who goof around and want to make troubles are in Wechat group, people who love quarrels are in Wechat group, crooks are in Wechat group, people who want to be a blockbuster are in Wechat group, and people who want to pick up treasure in garbage dump are also in Wechat group. I have said so many bad things about Wechat group, in fact, Wechat groups have a powerful function, that is, its high speed of information dissemination, especially when disseminating of scandals. If you are not careful enough, you might be drowned by the spit of Wechat groups. Wechat group is also a monster-revealing mirror. Gods, Buddhas, angels, Bodhisattva and demons, ghosts, spirits, all are performing, and will all in the end show their original forms in Wechat groups. And their followers will also go to their ways, the cattle enter their bull pen; the pigs enter their pigpen, and the mice dig their holes. Wechat group, I am afraid of you! You occupy a lot of my precious time, you deprive me of the right to be filial to the elderly, to take care of the children and to delve into learning; you have transformed me into a walking corpse with indigestion; and you have made a lot of strange animals like parrots who can only copy others’ words; you also have made me a lonely depression patient in a very busy place. I must run away from you quickly. “Hiding in my building, who cares what season it is”. I am going to have fun!   

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