The Path to Having 100 Wives or 100 Husbands


April 7, 2024

Do you aspire to have 100 virtuous and charming wives or 100 noble and competent husbands? Theoretically, this seems impossible, but in practice, it is entirely achievable. First and foremost, you should understand that this desire cannot be fulfilled through power or wealth. The wives and husbands you acquire through power and wealth may not necessarily be virtuous or competent.

The golden key to having 100 or even more wives and husbands is: you must be on the path to heaven. What does it mean to be on the path to heaven? Your soul garden must be beautiful. In your soul garden, there should no longer be any weeds or poisonous plants such as jealousy, complaints, comparisons, accusations, nitpicking, greed, resentment, etc. Instead, it should be filled with flowers like gratitude, diligence, sincerity, trustworthiness, optimism, romance, humor, contentment, cleanliness, and so on.

You must be selfless and possess nothing, willing to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others. Your life’s efforts should not be for yourself, but for others, and you should understand that the more people you serve, the greater your value becomes.

You must live openly and honestly, exposing all aspects of yourself to the sunlight, even your psychological activities. You should be willing to reveal them to the public without any concealment.

If you can achieve the above three points - having a beautiful soul garden, being selfless, and living openly and honestly - I can guarantee with 100% certainty that you will have 100 virtuous wives or 100 competent husbands.

It’s not just 100. In fact, there could be 1,000, 10,000, 1,000,000 or even more.

Imagine, when you have a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million, tens of millions of wives or husbands, what depth, breadth, and height will your perspective and state of mind reach? Are you already living in heaven?

A word of caution for you is that you should have, not possess. Once you desire to possess, once you treat the other party as your private property and restrict their absolute freedom, then, you will not have even one in this life, and you will wander on the edge of hell life after life.

Is it difficult to have 100 virtuous wives or 100 competent husbands? If you are on the right path, it’s not difficult at all; if you are on the wrong path, that’s just a dream.

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