Are the People and Events Coming into Your Life Helping You Succeed?


January 25, 2023

In recent years, a popular idea has spread online that says, “Everyone and everything that comes into your life is there to help you succeed.” But is this viewpoint correct?

Let’s break it down. If we interpret “succeed” as “helping oneself become a pig” or “helping oneself become a celestial being,” then this view holds true. But if we take “succeed” to mean “achievements,” then this view is mistaken.

Consider asking an adult, “Which meal helped you grow up?” The obvious answer is, “Every meal since birth has played a role.”

Now ask, “How does a seventy-year-old person’s character, temperament, appearance, worldview, and spiritual realm develop?” The answer: through every person and event that entered their life.

Everyone and everything that comes into your life has an impact, just like every meal contributes to your growth.

How is a rogue created? It’s the result of every person and event that entered their life.

How does someone reincarnate as a pig? Again, it’s the people and events in their life that contribute to it.

We’ve all heard of people dying from anger. Who angered them to death? Naturally, it was the people and events that came into their life.

If a fire burns someone into a vegetative state, do you believe that fire came to help them succeed?

So, do you still believe that “everyone and everything that comes into your life is there to help you succeed”?

If you’re still unsure about the flaw in this idea, imagine someone who’s constantly throwing tantrums, complaining, and repeating things like: “Life is unbearable,” “Living is pointless,” “Life is suffering,” “It’s better to be dead,” “You’re so ugly,” “You always mess things up,” or “You’re such a cruel person.” Would you still be in a good mood? Is this person really here to help you succeed?

From this, we can see that only people and events that are true, kind, beautiful, loving, faithful, and sincere are there to help you succeed. If the people and events in your life are false, evil, ugly, hateful, deceitful, or hypocritical, they’re not helping you succeed — they’re dragging you into hell.

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