Mindset and Actions to Maintain in a Helpless State


January 14, 2024

No matter who you are—whether a president, billionaire, expert, professor, entrepreneur, famous figure, or ordinary person—there will inevitably be moments when you find yourself in a state of helplessness. At such times, pleading to anyone, even praying, proves useless; you find yourself in a situation where “the heavens do not respond to your calls, and the earth does not heed your cries.” No matter what you try, you cannot escape the predicament of helplessness.

Even emperors may hang themselves, presidents may be assassinated, wealthy entrepreneurs may jump off buildings, and experts and professors may drown themselves—these are true reflections of the helpless state, and ordinary people are no exception.

Everyone has dreams and hopes for a life filled with joy, happiness, freedom, and fulfillment. Yet for thousands of years, only a few have truly achieved these aspirations. The vast majority either struggle in the bitter wind and rain or are overwhelmed by turbulent waves, leading to eventual sinking.

People do not have the right to choose their parents, the era or environment of their birth, their appearance, or their ethnicity. They are powerless to change their circumstances, being pushed by the tides of the times from peaks to valleys and swayed by those around them—at times feeling excitement, at other times despair. When a landslide engulfs their loved ones, they are powerless; when floods come and submerge fields and homes, they are helpless; when struck by illness with no one to care for them, they must endure; when caught in a war zone, escape is impossible; and when debts become unmanageable, they are physically and mentally exhausted. What can be done?

Do not blame heaven, earth, or others; accepting fate is the best mindset. Only by accepting fate can one hope to change it. Blaming heaven, earth, or others will only worsen the situation, while thanking heaven, earth, and the Creator may offer a chance of escape. Resentment will only make things worse; gratitude is the best remedy for overcoming hardship.

Why accept fate?

Because there is no alternative.

Why accept fate?

Because everything is self-created—it is the result of choices made over multiple lifetimes, as well as the outcome of one’s haphazard and misguided efforts.

When we explore the mysteries of the universe, we find that everything follows laws and principles. Everything that happens is neither accidental nor random, but inevitable. Understanding this helps us realize that our situation is of our own making. Heaven does not spare anyone nor unjustly harm anyone. Understanding this allows us to see the path our lives should take.

The conclusion is that when we are in a helpless situation, the first step is to accept fate without blaming heaven, earth, or others. Maintain a calm and peaceful mindset, joyfully accept reality, and keep a heart full of gratitude, free from resentment. Finally, take action—do your utmost to find a way out of the helpless situation. By doing so, there is hope of escaping from helplessness. In this way, heaven may guide us out of our troubles, perhaps even sending someone to help us along the way.

Acceptance, gratitude, and action are the mindset and behaviors to maintain when in a state of helplessness.

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