Why Not Allow Free Global Movement and Migration?


June 27, 2024

Some people believe that allowing free global movement and migration would lead everyone to rush to wealthy and developed countries, leaving the poor and underdeveloped regions empty.

Others argue that free movement and migration would facilitate criminals, making it easier for them to evade legal sanctions, leading to increased global criminal activity.

I want to ask: Is the scenario you describe based on your imagination or reality? How did you reach this conclusion without trying it?

Have all Chinese people moved to Shanghai? Have all Americans moved to New York? Have all citizens of the 27 Schengen countries moved to Switzerland? Do you think tourists will crowd only famous attractions?

Where there is a drop, a waterfall forms. Once the drop disappears, the waterfall ceases to exist.

When food is scarce, people scramble to buy it. When food is plentiful, no one rushes to buy it.

The more restrictions there are, the more coveted and harder to obtain something becomes, the more it stimulates people's desire and impulse to break through and obtain it. Once restrictions are lifted, there may be an initial chaotic situation, but it will quickly ease and gradually become calm and stable.

Once a person is full and satisfied, can they eat more even if a grand feast is presented to them?

Have you seen all the birds in the world flying to places with abundant food? Have you seen all the fish in rivers, lakes, and seas swimming to the Indian Ocean? Have you seen all the mosquitoes and flies in the world migrating to the tropics?

Do you still believe that everyone in the world will crowd into New York or Tokyo?

As for crime, who believes that increased freedom will lead to more crime? Will places with high government control and tight surveillance have no crime? Furthermore, wouldn’t reallocating the resources used for border checks and visa restrictions to crime prevention and combating be more cost-effective?

In conclusion, free movement and migration have countless benefits for the public but no harm. So why are the freedoms of global citizens still restricted?

The core reason is: the personal interests of those in power would be harmed, so they do not allow ordinary people to be free.

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