A Prayer for Chanyuan Celestials to Create Beautiful Dreams


December 7, 2010


Life is like a dream; a dream is like life. Life is but a dream; a dream is also your life. People have lots of dreams throughout their lives, so let every one of them become splendid and fantastic so that they can wander in beautiful dream worlds every night. Dreams are also supplements; links to great lives.

A dream is a reflection of a person's state of consciousness, physiology, and soul. "Good people have good dreams; evil people have nightmares". In order to enjoy beautiful dreams, you must first obtain a good consciousness, physical health, and a beautiful soul. If one’s consciousness is a mess, has many physiological defects, or has a soul garden that is full of weeds such as jealousy, resentment, anger, anxiety, selfishness, greed, laziness, arrogance, and so on, then they cannot enjoy beautiful dreams.

Chanyuan celestials are baptized by the values of Lifechanyuan and are building their own soul gardens. In order to cooperate with the construction of these soul gardens, this “Prayer for Chanyuan Celestials to Create Beautiful Dreams” was composed:

· Lie naked on your bed

· Take eight deep breaths and clear your mind

· Forget all the problems of your past day

· Rid yourself of all unhappy thoughts

· Remain peaceful and simple

· Meditate on the beauty of the Thousand-year World or the Ten-thousand-year World for three minutes and read the prayer below attentively

The Prayer for Creating Beautiful Dreams

Loving Greatest Creator with my infinite reverence!

I am lying in your warm, comfortable, safe, and gentle embrace

Your spiritual light embraces my whole body

as spring rain moisturizes seedlings

Brightness and beauty are falling on me

All is harmonious and peaceful

The night is sacred and the earth is quiet

The air is filled with the fragrance of flowers

The first faint glimmer of dawn twinkles in the distance

Tomorrow's world will be more beautiful than today’s was

I am a beautiful flower fairy; I am a beautiful elf

I am a baby with your special care and blessing

I am always bathed in your spiritual light wherever I go

with neither fear nor darkness

I can enjoy running and playing on the prairie

and in the river as much as I can to my heart’s content

Nothing can hurt me; my world is full of joy and safety

My future is beautiful; I yearn for it infinitely

Following your messenger, I have neither worries nor hesitation

Flowers pave the road ahead of me

The great beauty of my hometown, the Thousand-year world, beckons to me

I am a fairy, I am an angel, I can fly in the vast blue sky, ah!

The feeling of flying is so comfortable and joyous

I want to fly!

Fly to the distant hometown of heaven!

Oh Dear Greatest Creator!

Thank you for all that you have bestowed upon me

I am no longer sad and have no worries

I have taken the path that you have arranged for me

The road ahead is clear and my future will continue to become

more joyous and full of brightness, pleasure, and happiness

Ah, Peaceful night! I am so happy to be lying in your arms

The fragrance of affectionate love follows me on my path to heaven

Gods, Buddha, angels are with me

Tonight is full of fresh flowers and sweet dreams, and

I will enter dreamland and my dreams will be sweet and beautiful



The magic of the above prayer lies in your consciousness.

Everything that has been inlaid to your consciousness will be realized even it seems illusory.

Sense it in your heart, and create it with your consciousness.

Copy or print the above prayer in a larger font, and read them in silence.

If you are still unable to fall asleep, then read them twice or three times till you fade into the dream world.

Last updated