You Are Stingy without Giving Likes


February 19, 2020

There are more than two hundred contacts on my Wechat. Every time when I forward or post an article, very few people like the article. People who always like the articles are only 30, the other 170 people never likes.

The Bible says in “The Gospel of Matthew” 11: 16 and 17: “ But what comparison may I make of this generation? It is like children seated in the market places, crying out to one another and saying: “We made music for you and you did not take part in the dance; we gave cries of sorrow and you made no signs of grief".

I am the incarnation of Jesus, and I will describe this passage of Jesus in a plain and simple way again: “How should I describe you? I sang for you, you didn’t clap your hands; I offered you a spiritual feast, and you didn't make any response.”

Is it so difficult to give a like? Giving a like won't make you pregnant or turn you into a pig. Since you are in contact with me, it proves that it is predestined, there is friendship between us. Since you have not deleted me, it proves that you are still willing to keep in touch with me. Why not give me a like from time to time? Even if you give me a like once in a week or once after ten of my articles, at least I can know that you are still alive through the likes!

Do you know why you are not willing to give me a like?

The answer is: stingy. You lack spiritual and soul wealth, indifferent or you are no longer in this world.

If you don't want to dedicate as much as lifting a finger, do you think you can have a bright future? Giving likes does not necessarily mean that you agree with the value and contents of the articles your friends forwarded, it is just a expression of “ I care about you”.

Our beautiful future is accumulated by giving and dedication. If you are too stingy to give likes to friends, can you imagine how far you have fallen? Think about it carefully! When one day you are in trouble and no one come to help you, and when you reincarnate in the plant or animal world and unable to speak, don't blame the Greatest Creator for being unfair. That's because you are too stingy to give a like to friend, not to mention to offer other help.

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