Understanding the Force of Nature, Employing its Power


August 11, 2023

The most sensitive, unimaginable, miraculous, potent, intimidating, and unchallengeable force in the universe is the power of nature. It permeates the operation of the cosmos and all human activities, both shaping and influencing the success, failure, destiny, and prospects of everyone.

Nature's power comprises both visible and invisible elements. The visible includes phenomena like typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, torrential rain, among others. The invisible encompasses the seemingly commonplace forces that make seeds germinate and grow, keep the celestial bodies moving, sustain the cycles of the seasons, and even cause disasters in an instant. A person of integrity, though not actively seeking fortune, the heavens guide them unexpectedly to achieve their heartfelt aspirations. A devious individual, despite craftily avoiding misfortune, the heavens intervene at their cunning moments to seize their soul. The force behind 'guiding unexpectedly' and 'seizing their soul' is the unseen power of nature.

A tiny seed can grow into a towering tree; a small fertilized egg can develop into an incredibly complex life; an ordinary person can become a world-shaking leader; a powerful empire can crumble; a prominent figure can be imprisoned or even executed. Behind all these occurrences lies the true power of nature.

As one grows older, reminiscing about life, many pivotal moments are realized as beyond personal control, seemingly prearranged. No one wishes to face hardships and setbacks, yet they arrive unexpectedly. Some people suddenly rise to prominence only to fall abruptly, a sequence beyond their control, unexpected and unforeseen. Life seems to be governed by an elusive force that makes one sigh, "The mysteries of heaven are divine, human cleverness is of little use."

The power of nature is enigmatic and unpredictable, but is there a pattern to follow?

"The Book of the Supreme Way's Responsiveness" teaches us: "Speak, see, and act in goodness; if three good deeds are performed in a day, blessings will come within three years. Speak, see, and act in evil; if three evil deeds are done in a day, calamities will come within three years." It truly reflects that "misfortune and fortune are self-induced." This is the most straightforward and easily comprehensible rule of nature's power.

Myriad complex phenomena teach us one principle: if you desire a fortunate, healthy, and happy life, do not invest in manipulation and adaptability, do not exert efforts in amassing wealth or networking. Instead, focus on nurturing your soul garden. Avoiding wrongdoing is the safest path to preventing stumbles in life.

By dedicating oneself, accumulating virtues, bringing goodness, joy, and happiness to others, society, and nature, employing the power of nature, life becomes smoother, and one can evade disasters. However, if one brings pain and harm to others, society, or nature, the force of nature will inevitably administer a corresponding punishment.

Everything is born, grows, is punished, and eventually perishes by nature. In harmony with nature, there is birth and growth; in opposition to nature, there is punishment and destruction.

Desiring to reach heaven, do not exert effort in Gong, methods, techniques, or intelligence. Avoid investing in complex matters; instead, focus on the simplest task: cultivating your inner soul garden.

The force of nature will generously reward those who maintain a beautiful soul garden.

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