Testing One's LIFE level According to Their Love


November 11, 2020

Every level of LIFE has its own corresponding level of love which is different from all others. We can all examine our own loves to determine whether they are terrestrial or celestial.

  1. If your love troubles you and makes you miserable, then it is terrestrial. If it pleases you, then it is celestial.

  2. If your love only includes one partner throughout your life, then it is terrestrial. The more lovers you include, the more you demonstrate celestial love.

  3. If the object of your love is fixed, then it is terrestrial. If you follow your destiny and nature, then it is celestial.

  4. If you are jealous because your lover has feelings for others, then your love is terrestrial. If you are happy that your lover loves many, then it is celestial.

  5. If you find love to be divisive and that the more lovers your lover has, the less they will have for you, then yours is terrestrial. If you know that your love is in line with cosmic holography, then no matter how many partners you love, every one of them will be complete and your love is celestial.

  6. If you want to control, guide, train, and make your lover behave according to your standards, then your love is terrestrial. If you give your lover full freedom, then it is celestial.

  7. If you want to be inseparable from, pester, and always be with the object of your love, then your love is terrestrial. If you have embedded the object of your love into your consciousness, then no matter whether you are far away from each other or you live together, they will still taste very sweet and your love is celestial.

  8. If you cannot be completely magnanimous about love and you are hiding something, then your love is terrestrial. If you bare yourself open to love nakedly, then yours is celestial.

Analyzing and determining the pattern and state of one’s love can help them to understand the level of their LIFE. If your love is terrestrial, then you must remain a human forever. If your love is celestial, then you are no longer a human being, but a Celestial being, and you can go to the fairyland after your life’s journey ends.

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