Message to the United Nations


May 16, 2023

Dear United Nations,

To speak honestly, I am a bit disappointed with you. You are already 78 years old, dedicating your whole life to promoting international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, civil liberties, political freedom, democracy, and global cooperation for peace. Especially in assisting people affected by natural and social disasters, you have made tremendous efforts and done your best.

However, what is the current state of the world? Have your ideals been realized? Have your wishes been fulfilled? Russia's aggression against Ukraine has left you powerless, with nearly a hundred million refugees worldwide that you cannot handle. You are unable to assist nearly a billion people threatened by hunger, and you are powerless in the face of escalating climate change and humanitarian crises.

Where is the crux of the problem?

The crux lies in the fact that you should prioritize "teaching people to fish" before "giving them fish." However, you always focus on "giving fish" instead of "teaching to fish." You fail to address the root causes and instead find yourself constantly fighting fires. It's like trying to eradicate flies without improving environmental hygiene. Can flies ever be completely eliminated? By always giving fish without teaching, how many fish do you have to give? Isn't it a constant struggle?

How can we "teach people to fish"?

By completely transforming the traditional modes of production and life of humanity. All the disasters and problems throughout human history stem from our modes of production and life. Unless we change the traditional modes, the conflicts, contradictions, and disasters of human existence will never end.

How can we change the traditional modes of production and life?

Lifechanyuan has already prepared both in theory and practice by proposing the model of the Second Home, which replaces the traditional modes of production and life.

If you have countless questions and don't understand, come to me! I will provide a detailed explanation for you.

Last updated