Check and See if You Are on the Way to Heaven


Feb. 1, 2021

I clearly remember an evening in the summer of 1963. At that time, there were no newspapers, no radios, and of course no TVs and mobile phones. People’s knowledge was passed on through chatting. At that time, every evening after dinner, the adults gathered together to brag and chat. The children either sat or stood quietly listening to the adults bragging, or just ran around and played.

The reason why I can clearly remember that evening is because an uncle said: " when it is noon time where we are, it is midnight in some places; when it is summer where we are, it is winter in some places." I remember that everyone burst into laughter and said that uncle is whimsical and what he is saying is nonsense.

In the thinking of people in the countryside at that time, as long as where I am is daytime, everywhere is daytime, and as long as what I feel is summer, it is summer everywhere else on earth.

Then, when I say that there is a heaven in the universe, and that heavens are different everywhere, would you say that I am "whimsical and talking nonsense"? Do you think that heaven is the same as on earth? If I say that there is no sun and no night in the Thousand-year World of heaven, and the sun in the Ten-thousand-year World of Heaven is always fixed in the same place, and everything in the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent is created by transformation, do you think I am out of my mind?

People's understanding of the great world is based on their own limited cognition, and to understand the infinite world with limited cognition is like a blind man trying to figure out what an elephant is by just touching one part of it.

The first time I went abroad was to Zimbabwe, Africa, where I felt the beauty of heaven for the first time. On the third day in Zimbabwe, I secretly made up my mind that I would never leave Zimbabwe again. I stayed there for seventeen years.

What I want to say is that there is an infinitely beautiful place in this universe that no one can imagine, and that is heaven.

Now, please check if you are on your way to heaven.

There are three steps to see if you have crossed the path to heaven.

The first step: you often yearn for distance. You feel that there are respectable, amiable, and lovable people in the distance, and there are endless beautiful sceneries in the distance. You love life, but you feel that you are a little out of place with the environment that you are in. You are busy every day for your survival, but deep in your heart, you do not like, even hate this kind of rushing. Inside, you do not like to work for money, power, status, and reputation. You just want to be happy, joyous, free, and blessed in life. You hate to see people controlling other people, hate being swayed and controlled by people and your environment. You hope that one day there will be a great person in your life who will take you far away, to a place you have missed very much.

When you have these thoughts and feelings, you are actually on the way to heaven.

The second step: you do not want to get married, you instinctively hate family life, you want to escape from marriage and family life, from the people you know before your eyes, you do not want to fight for the few people in front of you, you are crying inside, you feel very tired, you are eagerly looking for another way and channel out for yourself through the Internet and WeChat and other media. You do not want to foster secular ties with anyone anymore. You like light association with people instead of deep ones, but in your heart, you are willing to meet a beloved one to whom you can deliver your whole body and soul. You are struggling between ideals and reality, hoping to end your current life trajectory and to immediately step into another unfamiliar field that is completely different from that of your past, the field that you have been waiting for a long time.

When you think, feel, and work toward your ideal direction and goal, you are already on the way to heaven.

The third step: you have completely stepped out the maze of affection. You are working hard to end your secular ties. You are actively and optimistically accumulating mental and spiritual wealth. You are pulling out the jealousy, comparison, complaining, anger and other weeds and toxic weeds from your soul garden. You start to feel only the messages that make you happy. You are gradually moving away from the concepts and shackles of country, nation, political party, religion, and family and are looking for people who resonate with your own wishes. Happiness, joy, freedom, and blessedness have become the norm in your daily life. You will never hurt anyone, any LIFE, and the natural environment. You are especially eager to integrate into the idyllic life of nature as soon as possible, to live a life of working and resting as the sun rises and sets, where no one pockets anything found on the ground, and doors are not bolted at night. All these phenomena show that you are on your way to heaven.

Whether or not you can go to heaven has nothing to do with your diploma, wisdom, status, wealth, appearance, reputation, whether you have read the scriptures or chanted sutras, whether you have formally acknowledged someone as your master, and met many masters and capable persons, and has nothing to do with whether you are talkative and eloquent, has nothing to do with how many good deeds you have done in the past, it is only related to your nature of Tathagata, and is closely related to your state of mind.

May the wise men who are walking on the road to heaven not hesitate and not stop in their steps. As long as they are sincere and continue to trek and climb, they will be able to achieve their dreams and realize their ideals to reach heaven.

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