People Without Goals Must Be Mediocre


February 27, 2024

The difference between mediocrity and excellence lies in one’s goals.

The grander the goal, the more exceptional the life; the smaller the goal, the more mediocre the life. The grander the goal, the richer the resources; the smaller the goal, the scarcer the resources.

“Being at the top, overlooking all the small mountains,” when your goal is to be “at the top,” all other beings appear mediocre.

Once life reaches “the top,” what will you see? You will realize that kings, presidents, and billionaires are all mediocre. Once life reaches “the top,” what resources are available? All resources in the world become accessible, not just natural resources. Even countries, political parties, religions, people become usable resources, even gods, demons, celestial beings, monsters, ghosts will become usable resources.

Once life reaches “the top,” there is only room for games and entertainment, and nothing else to do.

Even if you could become the president, you wouldn’t want to undertake such a strenuous task; even if you had a mountain of gold and silver, you wouldn’t dig; even if you had a palace, you wouldn’t live in it; anything else, even if it could bring you a million dollars income every day, you wouldn’t do it. Only enjoyable games and entertainment are worth participating in.

Once life reaches “the top,” everywhere in the world becomes home, a thatched house can provide shelter, the world’s wind and cloud are all dramas, planting vegetables and raising chickens become wonderful tunes.

Once life has a small goal, everywhere becomes a battlefield, always a time of crisis, being scared and anxious and not sleeping well becomes the norm, running around every day and being upset becomes a daily routine.

Once life has no goal, you become a pawn on the social chessboard, you become the meat to be cut on the chopping board, you become the leeks growing in the field, you become the things that can be swept into the trash can at any time.

People with ambitious goals will know where to go, what to do, will not waste life, will understand what the hardships and difficulties along the way mean, will get out of the rough and go to the flat, will understand what is human, what is celestial being, what is Buddha, what is god, what is demon, what is the animal world, what is human society, will clearly see the truth; otherwise, you are just a mediocre being.

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