You Can only Fulfill Your Mission in Life by Helping Others


Dec. 4, 2020

When flour is made into steamed buns, it's mission has been accomplished. When the fruit of the tree is ripe, its mission has been accomplished. When people say farewell to the world with no regrets in the end, their missions in their lives have been accomplished. When a person is sublimated into an immortal or Buddha, his mission in life has been accomplished.

When a person dies, no matter what his status has been, rich or poor, famous, or wise, if he still has concerns, remorse, resentment, regret, nostalgia, and fear, it proves that his mission in life has not yet been accomplished. On the contrary, if his life is fulfilled, his mission has been accomplished.

The process of helping others is actually the fulfilling of yourself. The more you help others, the greater your achievements will be. The more a person serves others, the greater his achievements will be. The reason why Jesus and Sakyamuni became god and Buddha is because of the great number of individuals that they served. Of all the services, the number of beneficiaries of formless almsgiving is the widest and most extensive, so those who give formless alms have achieved the most.

Whether I, Xuefeng can achieve my mission in life or not in the end depends entirely on what Chanyuan celestials can achieve or what they can't. If Chanyuan celestials achieve much, I will definitely have achieved much. The more Chanyuan celestials achieve, the greater my achievements will be. If Chanyuan celestials cannot achieve anything, then Xuefeng is just a bunch of stinky shit, nothing more; so, what I will achieve in life will be by helping Chanyuan celestials in fulfilling themselves.

The recent phenomenon of "Great Freedom, Transformation of Lotus" (network name) has fully proved this point: To help others is to fulfill themselves. "Great Freedom, Transformation of Lotus " not only forwarded and disseminated a great amount of Lifechanyuan content in many WeChat groups, but also wrote articles explaining the values of Lifechanyuan and the essence of Xuefeng. By this she is helping others. As a result, the reputation of Lotus celestial herself is getting better and better. At least more than one hundred Chanyuan celestials are full of praise for her. Think about it, many people can only receive praise from a few others, while Lotus celestial has been praised by more than 100 people in a short period of time, which is not a small achievement. If it is not for helping others, how can she receive praise from them? If you do not help others, who will help you?

I have been in contact with many people. Take WeChat group netizens as an example, most of them add me on WeChat just to promote themselves, to absorb the nourishment of others, but they never want to pay even a little. Not to mention forwarding Chanyuan articles, they are not even willing to pay me by clicking a like. It shows how stingy and selfish they are. So how can they make any achievements? Some netizens really have profound wisdom and understand a lot of truths, but they do not understand the truth that they cannot achieve anything themselves unless they help others. As time goes by, they will completely be submerged in the long river of history, and everything they did will have been pointless.

From this, we know that the more selfish we are, the less we will accomplish ourselves, and the more selfless we are, the more we will accomplish ourselves.

No matter how much and how profound is truth that we have understood, if you do not put it into your own actions, it will only be a fleeting cloud. No one will trust a man who talks a lot without any actions or if his actions are inconsistent with what he says.

In today's world, as far as the group is concerned, Chanyuan celestials are persons who understand truth the most. Just think about it, after suffering so many devastating blows for over ten years, Chanyuan celestials are still full of confidence and are optimistic, romantic, and keep on building new homes,

playing and laughing, moving on together happily. Why? This is only because Chanyuan celestials are all selfless and unselfish people who want to help others and fulfill the cause of Lifechanyuan. Chanyuan celestials only want to give and dedicate, never care about personal gains and losses, and never think of themselves. What is the result? Of course, their lives have all been fulfilled.

I said the above just to point out a bright way ahead for those who are predestined. If you want to fulfill yourself, then go all out to help others! Otherwise, everything you do, and you yourself, will come to nothing.

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