Keep Your Eyes Open to Observe the World, Close Your Eyes to Cultivate Strength


April 22, 2023

The more information a person absorbs, the more developed their mind becomes, the wiser they become, and the more solutions they have for dealing with problems. Even a genius, if their intake of information is limited, will have narrow thinking, restricted cognitive abilities, and will make shortsighted decisions.

The more complex a structure is, the stronger its consciousness. Cabbages have consciousness, earthworms have consciousness, as do tigers, leopards, wolves, and monkeys. Humans rise above all other creatures because they can learn, absorb information, and draw conclusions from experience. This is why the human brain is more complex than that of other animals and plants. ChatGPT is smarter than humans because it has absorbed far more information. From this, we can see that whoever absorbs the most information possesses superior wisdom and ability.

This tells us that we must keep our eyes open to observe the world and absorb as much information as possible from all fields—philosophy, science, religion, politics, culture, art, customs, and beyond. We must also stay updated on the current natural and social dynamics around the world. Only by doing this can we hope to make the best judgments and choices.

Are the Lifechanyuan values and the Second Home model the best? Only through comparison can we determine this. How do we compare? We compare them with similar communities and ideas that have existed throughout human history, with the values and models established by all religions, and with the concepts and systems created by political figures and groups across history. Only by comparing can we differentiate, and only by differentiating can we make accurate analyses and judgments.

If we discover values and models superior to those of Lifechanyuan and the Second Home, we must either thoroughly study and emulate these other systems or abandon our own completely and integrate into the new. We must not remain stuck in our ways, nor blindly believe that ours is the best. Therefore, our thinking must remain open, not closed off.

"Close your eyes to cultivate strength" means that after widely absorbing information, we must sift through it. We need to swiftly respond to urgent information while deeply exploring the essence and truth behind it. At the same time, we must cultivate our ability to adapt to the constant changes in the external world—this ability is our strength. Without the capacity to adapt, no matter how much information we take in, we won't be able to cope with the ever-changing world.

For Lifechanyuan, our strengths are: the Lifechanyuan values, the Second Home model, and the Chanyuan celestials. Our goal is to make Lifechanyuan values universal, to establish the Home model as the future of human production and lifestyle, and to enable Chanyuan celestials to become transcendent celestials. These are the strengths we need to cultivate. As our strength grows and deepens, Lifechanyuan will become unstoppable.

Having advanced values alone is hollow; having the Home model alone is unsustainable; having the Chanyuan celestials alone would lead to disorder when challenges arise. However, when the values, model, and Chanyuan celestials are integrated into a single, harmonious system, they create a powerful and profound strength.

As long as we keep our eyes open to observe the world, avoid blind arrogance, continuously refine our values, and constantly improve and perfect our production and living model, remaining flexible and adaptable rather than rigidly adhering to dogma, and as long as the Chanyuan celestials continually correct their misunderstandings and mistakes, we should not underestimate ourselves, even if we are just seedlings now. One day, this seedling will grow into a towering tree, providing shade to many and bearing fruit to feed and nourish those in need.

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