When Associating with Me, Do Not Tell Me About Your Troubles and Your Pain


Nov. 18, 2020

I follow the philosophy of the superman. This world should be given to those who work hard without fear of hardships, but are always optimistic and romantic. People who talk about their misfortunes and worries all day long should withdraw from the historical stage of this world.

Passive, negative, pessimistic people radiate negative energy, and it is too exhausting to associate with people who ae full of negative energy.

I do not owe you anything so why should I bear your misfortune and pain?

When surviving and living in this era of the world, which one of us is free from troubles and pains? It is just that the strong bury their worries and pains deeply in their hearts as nourishment and motivation to forge ahead. Only the weak talk about their worries and pains all day long and treat others as their emotional trash cans into which they dump the trash that is in their minds.

With people who often tell others about their misfortunes and pains, their energy level is below 200, which is a kind of pathological psychology. Not only can they not live out their own lives, but they will also pollute the spirits and souls of others.

As the messenger of the Greatest Creator, the incarnation of gods, buddhas and celestials, I, Xuefeng, came to the world to look for healthy people, not to look for sick people (not referring to physical diseases, but to spiritual diseases), let alone to cure people. I harvest "ripe crops". “Ripe crops" are full and flawless. Do not think that I am here to "help people in distress". Some people say Xuefeng is a "Ziwei Saint". That’s only your wishful thinking, I won't do a stupid thing like that! I do not even have enough time to flirt with and seduce my sisters-in-law so how can I have time to take care of your mess?

Do not pretend to be pitiful in front of me so that I can feel pity for you. If you help yourself, I will help you; if you want to destroy yourself, I will help to destroy you.

To whoever wants to hang himself, I will secretly prepare a rope for you to hang yourself with, and then, you cannot live out a life of sunshine and color. If you want sunshine, I will give you light; if you want darkness, your wish will be fulfilled.

In addition, I hope netizens do not give me advice, do not try to point out the right way to me, and do not insult my IQ. I follow the concept of "Do not offer help if someone does not ask for it". If I didn’t ask you, do not help me. Of course, if you think your EQ, IQ, and SQ (spiritual quotient) are higher than mine, then teach me! But once you start teaching me, I'm going to ask you a hundred thousand questions, and if you cannot answer them, then shut up early in the conversation.

Either follow me or go your own way!

If you follow me, then do exactly what I say!

Xuefeng will never collaborate with anyone, let alone ask anyone to teach me how to walk and how to handle my affairs.

O people! Live out your life of sunshine and colors. In this way, you will benefit endlessly and add a bright splendor to society. That is the correct way of living.

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