The Value and Significance of Division of Labor


Jan. 30, 2023

First, let's look at these equations. Which equation do you think has the greatest power?

1+1=0 1+1=1 1+1=2 1+1=3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Let me explain.

1+1=0: When two people live together without division of labor, regardless of the size of tasks, they work together and are busy all day without time for leisure or study. Due to differences in personality and views, they criticize, nitpick, and attack each other, wasting their time and energy on pointless arguments. They end up achieving nothing, and their life accomplishments equal zero.

1+1=1: When two people live together and work on tasks without internal conflict, their results equal what one person could accomplish alone.

1+1=2: Two people living together, each doing their own thing, without interfering with each other, results in the achievement of two people.

1+1=3: Two people living together, dividing responsibilities, cooperating seamlessly, and working together on specific tasks, results in the achievement of three people.

1+1=9: Two people living together, with clear division of all tasks, sharing common goals, and no internal conflicts, results in the achievement of what would normally take nine people to accomplish.

The above is a theoretical analysis, but what is the actual situation like? Please carefully consider how your own living situation with others is like, especially the achievements of two people living together as a couple.

What I want to tell everyone is that based on my analysis and practical experience, whether it is two people, three people, one hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people, or even all the people on Earth living together, the greatest achievement comes from dividing tasks and responsibilities. If tasks are not clearly defined and everyone wants to meddle in everything, or if you are building airplanes, I am also building airplanes, and he is also building airplanes, it will not only waste resources and human effort, but also create competition. The result of competition can be lower costs, increased efficiency, and better quality, but it will also lead to enormous waste of resources and moral degradation, which is not worth it.

By playing to each person's strengths, refining tasks, sharing common goals, and cooperating seamlessly without interference, this kind of team, whether it is a team of two, eight, or ten thousand people, can achieve results that are multiples of what individuals can achieve. This approach does not waste resources, nor create tensions between individuals, because there is no internal friction or competition.

From a couple to various countries around the world, if we follow the theory of dividing tasks and responsibilities, humanity will enter a golden age where there will be no more wars, waste of Earth's resources will be eliminated, and social turmoil will be eradicated. Border controls between countries will no longer be necessary, and we will enter a harmonious era of global integration.

Of course, to achieve the above ideal, it seems that only the Lifechanyuan values and the Second Home model can bear such a heavy responsibility at present.

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