Take a Look at How Fortunate You Are


August 6, 2023

If every day you can bask in the radiant sunlight, feeling its warmth upon your skin, that's tremendous wealth, indeed, happiness!

If every day you breathe in fresh air, surrounded by boundless clear skies and beautiful landscapes, congratulations, you're among the wealthiest in the world, oh, what happiness!

If your abode is graced by a clear river or a babbling brook, or if you have a serene lake to admire nearby, your days are enviable, such happiness!

If each day you have enough food to satisfy hunger and a sheltered refuge for peaceful sleep, allowing for dreams without insomnia, you are among those blessed by the heavens, rejoice, happiness!

If you have a plot of land to cultivate or a pursuit that brings enduring joy, congratulations! You are a fortunate soul.

If you have well-proportioned facial features, strong and agile limbs, healthy functioning internal organs, and a disease-free body, take pride! You are surely heaven's darling, among the luckiest in the world.

If each day someone accompanies you for conversation, shares meals and work, you are blessed. If there are playful arguments, laughter, and jovial banter, my goodness, you must have had good karma in your past life; your life is so fortunate.

If you have a few opposite-sex confidants throughout your life who can share intimate moments with you, oh my, you are so fortunate! Your life is enviable, stirring envy and jealousy in others!

If you possess all of the aforementioned conditions, then you are truly blessed with an abundant destiny. You must be a favored child of the Greatest Creator; do not seek happiness elsewhere—you are happiness itself, leading a blissful life.

But if possessing all this leaves you dissatisfied, if you envy others or aspire to be a success, wanting fame and fortune, that's greed. It's being born amidst fortune yet failing to recognize it, seeking trouble. Simply put, it's an ignorance of life and LIFE, and you're a fool, an idiot, a blockhead.

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