Seeking Confirmation: If It Is Not Helpful, then it Will Be Harmful


March 29, 2020

A proposition suddenly occurred to me: If something is not helpful, then it must be harmful.

What does this mean? It means that if an entity such as a country, political party, religion, organization, group, piece of food, house, car, type of money, contract, agreement, stock, field, company, business, computer, mobile phone, article of clothing, shoe, chicken, duck, fish, news item, some information, people, or anything else cannot benefit you, then it will definitely harm you.

For example...

· A WeChat group that you join which brings you no happiness, joy, freedom, or blessing will eventually bring you worry, pain, sorrow, and anxiety.

· A house that you own which does not add convenience or other benefits to your life will bring you the anxiety of managing it, and consume your time and effort.

· A dog that you raise but does not bring you the warmth that you had expected from it will definitely bring you trouble that you never thought of.

· An employee who is recruited by a company but who fails to benefit them will definitely become a drain on them.

Let us analyze someone with whom you associate; whether they are your sibling, friend, relative, colleague, spouse, net friend, or other acquaintance. As long as they bring you no joy, peace, or safety, then they will definitely bring you pain, worry and crises.

If this proposition is true, then the opposite must also be true: if it is harmful, then it is useless. Is this proposition absolute? Is it extreme? If yes, please demonstrate. If this proposition is true and is related to the happiness and future of your whole life, then you must take it seriously! For example, if you make a net friend but find that they make you worry, unhappy, or prove to be a waste of your time and energy, then you should immediately cut off your new relationship because if it is useless, then it is harmful and if it is harmful, then it is useless. Especially in the early stage of a romantic relationship, once you find something that upsets you about your new lover, the relationship should be severed immediately and never developed any further. Once you fall in, you are going to cry for the rest of your life because if it is not helpful, then it is harmful.

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