Let Your Cognitive Building Collapse Completely


October 12, 2020

If you believe that your cognitive abilities are the most profound in the world, then stick to them, tell everyone what you know all at once, and shine a light on all who are groping through the darkness. If we find someone whose cognitive abilities surpass ours, then let us collapse our building projects, abandon all the theories that we believed to be correct, and let us serve that one. The process of serving others is that of self-accomplishment and of realizing our own ideals.

Religious complexes and worshiping will inject strong energy and vitality into oneself. When I worship the Ancestor of Buddha - the Greatest Creator, Jesus, Shakyamuni, Laozi and Guanyin Bodhisattva, I gain a new self. Since then, my life has entered a new channel; it can be said that I have been reborn. Were it not from my worshiping from inner piety, then my life path would still be dark gray.

Have you ever cried with joy or experienced a state of extreme calm when you were so excited that you forgot yourself completely and you were willing to surrender yourself completely to the object of your worship? If your answer is yes, then congratulations, because you have experienced worshipping.

Is there any person throughout history whom you admire? If not, then congratulations, for you are the greatest person who has ever lived. If you are not that person but have no object of worship, then sadly, you are either a poor spirit who knows not the immensity of the universe, or at least a confused individual with an unclear mind.

I am neither the greatest person in the world nor the one with the most profound cognitive ability, but along my way, I have not met anyone other than Jesus, Sakyamuni, Muhammad (PBUP) and Laozi (Guanyin Bodhisattva is not a human) whom I am willing to worship. This is my sorrow, my ignorance, and it is sad not to be able to see “skies beyond skies and mountains beyond mountains”!

The happiest people in the world are those who have dedicated their lives to the objects of worship. I am one of the happiest people because I have entrusted my LIFE to the Greatest Creator and my life to Tao. Now, I have nothing else to do. The rest is to find fun and play! Play whatever is playful. There is little to do except play.

It has been said that we are living in the Dharma-ending Age and that a saint named Ziwei will come to save us. This Ziwei saint is both the returning Christ and the next life of Maitreya, and I am looking forward eagerly to the advent of this saint. It would be a blessing to meet this holy soul once during my lifetime and I must have burned incense in a previous life; however, this saint must meet three conditions upon arriving.

The saint must have a systematic theory to provide us with a theoretical standard to follow no matter what we do; otherwise, even if he or she walks on water, flies through the clouds, and demonstrates sixty-four supernatural powers: sorry, they are not the saint.

The saint must have nothing: no money, neither on their person nor in bank accounts, and no material possessions except for clothing. Once they possess anything material, then I am sorry to say that they are not the saint.

The saint must have set an example for people: whether it is by a personal quality model or by their leading people to create a convincing and replicable mode, they must have at least accomplished some ideal cause; otherwise, even if they can preach Scriptures, integrate all theories, and have hundreds of millions of disciples, then they are not the saint.

It is nothing more than a dream to depend on talking to realize a world of the great harmony of the unification of all thoughts and all beliefs into the Greatest Creator’s will and all religions into one uniform belief system in which “the talented are entrusted with important missions that the whole world can be united as a single family”. Give us an example! If the above three conditions cannot be met, then it is honestly suggested that the Ziwei saint should stay in the sky; otherwise if he or she and others were to come down, then they would not even be able to pass my tests.

I have many schoolmates from my middle school, technical school, college, and university, but I cannot see any of them as having extraordinary ideas and realms because they are all merely drifting along. It is ok for them to do this, but most of them believe that they are knowledgeable with much cognitive ability and are so quick to deny others' opinions just as the pig who saw monkeys darting up and down a tree and sneered: "Hmm! Those poor monkeys do not even have a fixed nest; you see how happy and comfortable we pigs are, we have nests and people to feed us every day.

In the past few years, I have met a lot of very knowledgeable people through social media groups on the web. At first, they gave me good impressions, but after communicating with many of them for a while, I found that most just feel good about themselves and consider themselves to be masters. Every day, in addition to selling their insights, they are busy within their web groups, rarely settling down to read the classics or about the apocalypse but seldom do they do any practical work. Those so-called insights are not the result of their own life perceptions, but are just some borrowed wisdom from others with some small ornaments of their own that they have added in. Even so, those insights were not worth refuting at all because most of them have indicated illusive thinking.

Many people are lovely, amiable, and respectable, but are not on the right track. I look at them and think, "If you collapse all your cognition structure, it would be great!" Heaven is not without roads and gates; the problem is that you insist that you are right, so you cannot see them or even the way to them.

I would like to share this couplet which was composed by Luoyan celestial of Lifechanyuan: While hearts abide nowhere, then everywhere is in Wonderland If love attaches to no one, then anytime is ethereal

Etherial Wonderland!

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