Humans Have No Choice


May 17, 2024

In our youth, brimming with energy, we perceive life as a canvas of choices—people to meet, things to do, and paths to explore. Yet, as we age and reflect upon our past, we come to realize that we have no real choice. What we once thought were decisions of our own making were, in fact, orchestrated by an unseen force; these were the experiences we were meant to have, the paths we were destined to walk.

Gazing up at the night sky, countless celestial bodies, present for decades, during my father’s time, my grandfather’s time, and even my great-grandfather’s time, have been there, each moving rapidly in its assigned place, absolutely without the power to choose.

Amidst the teeming masses, people rush about daily, seemingly making choices, aspiring, longing. But as one nears the twilight of life, it becomes apparent that our existence is choreographed by destiny; we have no choice.

Who can choose their parents? Who decides their birthplace and time? Who selects their ethnicity or race? Who determines their gender and appearance? Who picks their siblings? Who has a say in their DNA? Even the circumstances, timing, and location of our death are beyond our control.

Did we choose our spouse? Our children? Did we opt for the illnesses we endure? The people we encounter on life’s journey—are they of our choosing? Upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that while some events appear to be choices, they are actually preordained arrangements.

Rice or noodles? Coffee or tea? Chinese or Western cuisine? A night out at the market or scrolling through TikTok at home? In the face of such decisions, we feel empowered with choice. Yet, when we delve into history, we discover that all choices are influenced by cultural history, habits, preferences, tastes, and values. The so-called freedom of choice is but an illusion, with invisible forces having long since laid out our paths. We are but puppets, guided by the hands of fate, mere programs within an intricate network.

To grasp the principle that humans lack choice is to ascend to a celestial state. No matter our circumstances, we should face life with clarity and equanimity, feel content no matter where you are or what you are doing.

The diversity and stratification of species are nature’s design, as is the social stratification within human society. If there are villains, there must be heroes; if there are philanthropists, there must be agitators. Thus, we should live true to our nature, finding peace in our inherent being, clear-minded, without regret, living with grace and elegance.

Concerns about success and failure, wealth and poverty, fame and infamy—these are self-imposed shackles, the torment of the mundane. Shatter these chains, and one discovers boundless optimism and freedom, with paradise at every turn.

Why haven’t regions like China, India, the Middle East, or Africa birthed technological civilizations, while Europe consistently leads the charge? The origins of different races reveal a grand design, not a question of intelligence or a desire for progress or regression. It’s the narrative needed for humanity’s grand play. With this understanding, every phenomenon seems logical, every twist entertaining.

Immersed in nature’s wisdom and masterful design, we see the folly in all man-made values. Marriage, family, kinship, nationhood, reputation, inheritance, glory, wealth, or poverty—all are but human fabrications, needless worries that cloud our existence. Only then do we uncover the joyous paradise of living in harmony with heaven and earth.

What to choose? Choose nothing. Let the wind blow and the rain beat down, seasons shift, and the world transform. I will dance to my own rhythm, sing to the tune of fate, bloom spontaneously, and wander freely.

Some fret over humanity’s future. Fools! Do you believe humanity’s destiny lies in our own hands? Do you think the future of livestock is in their control? We need not worry about humanity’s future; higher beings orchestrate and arrange it. Humans have no choice. The wise focus on living each day with ease and joy, embracing life’s elegance and flair.

History has settled in the riverbed, the present is etched by the past, and the future is already aligned with reason and the divine arrangement. There’s no need for worry, no reason to struggle tirelessly, nothing to defend or protect, nothing worth risking life for. To bloom naturally is to earn the divine reward.

Since we have no choice, all the better. We can take things as they are, associate with others by following natural come-and-go relations, act in accordance with one’s intrinsic nature, and take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Our hearts, like clear mirrors, reflect the universe; our spirits, like sprites, dance between heaven and earth, finding paradise wherever we go.

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