A Messages for Future Chinese Leaders


Nov. 1, 2021

If you can make people live and work in peace and contentment, and make people live joyously, happily, freely, and blessedly, you are the savior of the world, and you are the Ziwei Saint.

If you do not let the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and don't let people live joyously, happily, freely, and blessedly, you are a bastard, a living devil.

I will provide you with some ideas for reference.

  1. Follow America.

West Germany followed the United States and became prosperous and strong, while East Germany went against the United States and became poor and desolate. South Korea followed the United States and became brilliant, while North Korea did the opposite and became closed and backward. Without theoretical analysis or logical reasoning, facts have proved that following the United States will be beneficial to the country and its people.

In the era of confrontation with the United States, China was poor and backward. Due to China’s reforms and opening up, China and the United States now have harmonious relations and China's economy has grown by leaps and bounds. Therefore, we must follow the United States.

  1. A strong entrepreneur, not a strong government.

Allow thousands of entrepreneurs to be born and become stronger, let the invisible hand of the market support or eliminate entrepreneurs. The government administration should not interfere with business. It is necessary to weaken or even abolish the governmental administrative agencies at and below the county level, and let entrepreneurs replace and exercise government functions there. And at the same time, liberalize the development of civil society organizations, and allow civil society organizations and entrepreneurs to form a system of checks and balances.

  1. Make trade channels unobstructed and allow people to move around freely.

Do not obstruct the sea, business, Internet and borders, and fully open it all up. Let businessmen from all over the world come and go freely in China, let academic groups and people from all over the world communicate and exchange information freely in China, and let Chinese people freely enter and leave the country to everywhere in the world to study, do business, establish enterprises, travel, and settle. It is not only necessary to recognize dual nationality, even triple or 100 nationalities, and allow for Chinese citizens to have multiple nationalities.

  1. The government should not participate in economic activities.

There is infinite wisdom, vitality and creativity among the people. They know how to survive and how to improve their lives. Entrepreneurs are more far-sighted than government officials. Dissolve all state-owned enterprises and leave banking, power, communications, transportation, etc. all to entrepreneurs to operate. As long as economic activities are involved, the government should not participate. The government should only be in charge of five things: foreign affairs, national defense, combating crime, combating monopolies, and providing free education and medical care.

  1. Except for setting up a press release office, leave it to society to run all media and let them run various news and information dissemination media on behalf of their own interests. Allow them to say anything they want to and allow journalists to exist in every corner of the country. The power of journalists should be stronger than that of the police, while the government does not need to pay for the journalists, which is a good deal.

  2. Establish the awareness that private property is sacred and inviolable

The state cannot deprive its citizens of private property, nor can any political party or religious group. Only by ensuring the safety of private property can the country prosper; the people will live a happy life in peace and contentment and money from all over the world will flow into China. At the same time, it should be guaranteed that private residences will not be disturbed by anyone. With private residences, the rule should be, "the wind can enter, the rain can enter, and the king cannot enter." Without a reliable clue to prove that the residents have violated the law, the police should not be allowed to enter.

  1. Allow various faith-based groups to operate freely

Learn from the ecological diversity of nature and let all kinds of faith groups spread their teachings and ideas freely. The government should not support any faith groups, nor should it crack down on them, but leave them to live and die on their own.

  1. Abandon such disputes as doctrine and truth

Only think about and talk about how to make the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and do not talk about and argue about the advantages of capitalism, socialism, and communism, let alone talking about fighting and dedicating to the truth. As long as the general public likes it, shit-ism is acceptable.

  1. Do not assist poor countries, do not help backward countries, but you can provide emergency relief when disasters or special situations occur.

  2. To provide living security for the brave

As long as people are disabled because of their bravery for righteousness, the state should provide them with a free lifetime pension which should not be lower than the national average standard of living. If they sacrificed their lives for righteous causes, the government must not only arrange and take care of all their funeral affairs, but also take care of their parents for the rest of their lives and provide education and other guarantees for their children until they graduate from school.

  1. The government should not care about private matters between the sexes

The sexual life between members of the opposite sex is a personal matter, and it belongs to the freedom of life. As long as both parties are willing, the government should ignore it, make no comments, let alone kidnap and judge them with high standards of moral and quality. It doesn’t matter whether it is one wife with many husbands, one husband with many wives, 3 or 4 people having sex together, or thousands or ten thousand people together, the chairman and the secretary, a master and an apprentice, husband with mistresses, having an affair every night, as long as the participants are willing, without hurting others, then let everything "flow eastward"!

To future Chinese leaders, may you be the Ziwei saint who comes to the world, and may you understand the principle of holography. If you can manage China with the principle of holography, China will become the center of human civilization and the whole world will praise your wisdom and greatness.

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