You can grow corn without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides

Huanxin Celestial

Would you like to eat fully organic green vegetables and fruits? Of course, you would. But don’t dream about it—it’s too difficult! Yes, in today’s highly developed modern civilization, with an abundance of material goods, finding pure, natural, and original fruits and vegetables has become a luxury.

"Chemical fertilizers are chemical products and inherently harmful to the body. When vegetables absorb the chemicals from fertilizers, some natural plant nutrients are destroyed or even mutated. The use of pesticides leads to residues that remain in the body or seep into groundwater, polluting water sources as well." Fertilizers and pesticides have become the biggest invisible killers in our food supply. Yet, driven by profit, people rush to dig their own graves by using these chemicals to increase crop yields, leading to widespread pollution with no clean land left. Various additives, ripening agents, and sweeteners have become an unavoidable part of our daily lives. Everyone knows this, but we are powerless to change it, resulting in inevitable, helpless, chronic poisoning. The old saying "illness comes from the mouth" has been forgotten, as the beautifully packaged, brightly colored food numbs our visual senses. Despite the great threat these foods pose to our health, they have failed to garner serious attention, creating a sick society.

What brings me joy and relief is that living at the Lifechanyuan Thailand Branch, I’ve witnessed and enjoyed vegetables and fruits grown without fertilizers, pesticides, or additives. Our gardening master, Yangle, works tirelessly every day in the garden, growing a wide variety of vegetables, many of which are commonly found in the market. They retain their original flavors and are highly nutritious. Take the recent corn harvest, for example. I remember as a child helping my parents fertilize cornfields with both urea and compound or phosphate fertilizers. But in Yangle's garden, he goes against the conventional norms, using only homemade organic compost and natural urea, which ensures the corn grows strong and full. I could hardly believe it—the corn he grows is so sweet and delicious that it can be safely eaten raw. Brother Guang was so happy that he ate three ears in a row, savoring the sweet, crisp taste. Life has been incredibly enjoyable lately, with Qianzi, our master chef, boiling a big pot of corn almost every day—what a delight it is to eat to our hearts' content! Huiyi even sent some to the nearby temple and our landlord to share the deliciousness. 2020-6-20

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