Thailand Community: Recent Updates

Huiyi Celestial

The vibrant and joyful days in our community have been filled with color and life. On February 6th, Pinan brought ten volunteers from Brazil, the United States, France, Belgium, Israel, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, making our Thailand Branch come alive with energy and excitement. Qianzi was busy organizing accommodations for the volunteers, managing to arrange housing for eight of them while the remaining two and Pinan made themselves comfortable on mats in the main hall.

Since we had little experience in hosting volunteers, Pinan helped us by creating a daily schedule. Mornings began with yoga and exercises, followed by some Wing Chun practice. At 8 AM, we enjoyed a mindful breakfast, during which a volunteer would often share a meditation insight. After breakfast, it was time for work: Huiyi led the construction team to build a new room for our landlord, while Yangle led the planting team to organize the vegetable garden (Pinan hired a bulldozer to clear out more land for planting). Initially, two volunteers joined the cooking team, but Huixin later declined their help, saying that it was more trouble than it was worth. However, the volunteers’ enthusiasm couldn’t be turned down, and they continued to offer their assistance in the kitchen.

Lunch was at noon, followed by free time until 3 PM. After that, work resumed until 6 PM, when dinner was served. The evening activities were the most diverse—sometimes we meditated, with PiNan or the temple’s head monk sharing Buddha’s teachings and spiritual stories. Other times, we played games, danced, sang, or gathered around the fire to talk about the day’s experiences. We also took these opportunities to share some of Lifechanyuan’s principles with the volunteers, showing them our promotional videos (the ones beautifully produced by Baichuan and narrated by Baobei). As we engaged more with the volunteers through games and conversations, everything started to flow more smoothly, and we gained a clearer understanding of how to introduce our community and ideas to the Western world.

The final night’s farewell gathering was particularly memorable. Yangle introduced the guide and the dream of building a 300-person branch. Huiyi read aloud Join Us as an Earth Citizen, Qianzi played the ocarina and expressed her gratitude, and Huixin shared her feelings of joy and appreciation for the time spent together. I told them that this is their second home, and they are always welcome in this place of perpetual youth and happiness. We gave each volunteer a card with the 800 Values for New Era Human Beings printed on it. Many volunteers expressed their intention to continue following and learning about Lifechanyuan and promised to share our message with others when they returned home. The seeds have been sown, and we believe that when the time is right, they will blossom and spread far and wide. We are deeply grateful to our brothers and sisters for their cooperation and the wonderful experiences we’ve shared, which have strengthened our confidence in the future development of Life Oasis!

The five days passed quickly but were filled with joy and fulfillment. Some volunteers returned to Pinan’s farm, while others continued to their next destination. Four volunteers have stayed on at the Thailand Branch, including one who used to be an English teacher and has even offered to teach us English principles tonight. Each volunteer has been warm and friendly, and we hope they stay longer—who knows, maybe they’ll become Lifechanyuan Celestials over time! Regarding fees, Pinan covered the volunteers’ meal costs during their stay, and the four who stayed on were informed that they could contribute according to their ability and willingness.

During this time, we borrowed ten chairs, sixteen cushions, and bedding for ten people from the temple. The head monk kindly told us that we didn’t need to return the chairs and cushions—they could stay here for future use. The temple has always been generous, offering us support in many ways.

Now, get ready for a big wave of photos to share the joy of these special days!


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