Thailand Branch Daily Life: What We Are Up To

Huanxin Celestial

Over the past month, the five of us have been participating in collective labor on the mountain every morning, focusing on large-scale weed clearing. The rainy season is truly a time when all sorts of plants become incredibly active, and their rapid growth is a testament to how well they’ve been nourished. The vibrant greenery everywhere is a beautiful sight, but it also brings challenges. This mountain, while not too large, presents a considerable workload for just five people. The mountain is covered with various small shrubs, which are difficult to uproot completely. Using a weed cutter is one of the faster methods, but the speed at which the grass regrows is astonishing.

However, after a month of battling the weeds, we’ve seen some significant progress. In areas where weeds once dominated, we’ve gradually replaced them with avocado trees, mango trees, and banana trees. In addition to the existing banana trees, pineapples, and papayas, which were already planted and widely transplanted, we’ve also cultivated dozens of jackfruit trees, along with a few lychee, orange, mulberry, and longan trees.

The Thailand branch, with its tropical exotic charm, is gradually being transformed into a breathtaking paradise adorned with a harmonious blend of flowers, plants, and trees. It’s a place that captivates the heart, where a poetic and picturesque haven is being carefully crafted and perfected. The process of creating this paradise is ongoing, and with each passing day, it becomes more beautiful and inviting.


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