Special News from the Thai Branch

Huanxin Celestial

About a week ago, Anan visited the Thailand Branch and invited us to a nearby café for coffee. He was particularly interested in the new house, which he toured with Guang. The next day, we all went to a Chiang Mai mall to shop for clothes. Anan also suggested that we could start filming short videos of our daily life at the community and post them on YouTube for promotion. It seems the era of short videos has quickly captured the attention of people worldwide.

Previously, Huiyi mentioned that our vehicle was hit while someone was reversing. Fortunately, the other party's insurance company took full responsibility, and after a week of repairs, the car's front-right frame was replaced. The entire vehicle looks almost brand new—truly a case of a blessing in disguise. Thank heavens!

After Max and his wife visited the Thailand Branch, they drove elsewhere that evening. The next day, we heard that Max’s wife wasn’t feeling well, and her test results came back positive. They decided to self-isolate at home for ten days and advised us to get checked if we experience any symptoms. It’s a stark reminder of how close the pandemic is to us. Huiyi had planned for us to visit Max’s farm to learn about composting and planting techniques, but this will have to be postponed. We wish Max’s wife a swift recovery!

Guang has been methodically tackling various tasks each day. Besides feeding the chickens, he has been maintaining the water filtration system, sealing up gaps in the kitchen walls, replacing some rotting bamboo in the bathroom, clearing leaves from the rooftops, laying a concrete floor in the laundry area, and repairing and repainting a small cart. He often spots tasks that need doing and takes care of them independently. During a recent meeting, he listed numerous things that needed attention, many of which were so detailed and thoughtful. Having Guang around makes life here more comfortable and convenient.

Lately, it feels like I haven’t accomplished much. I’ve mostly been busy clearing weeds from the garden and pathways. It’s a reminder that when you’re not fully enlightened, you need to be diligent in “sweeping away the dust” and in a more literal sense, constantly weeding the earth to prevent it from becoming overgrown. The rainy season has arrived early, which means we’ll need to work even harder to save the garden from being overtaken by weeds.

In a surprising turn of events, Huiyi has finally agreed to help with cooking. He mentioned that he doesn’t have any urgent tasks at the moment and wanted to give it a try. In his free time, he’s also been transplanting trees on the hill, clearing large areas of grass, and managing the banana trees. This is a rare occasion—Huiyi has been in Thailand for over two years, and every time I asked him to help cook, he would politely but firmly decline. I always understood he had a lot on his plate, so I never pressed the issue. But now, it feels like the sun has risen in the west, and I’m truly touched—thank you, Greatest Creator!

Reflecting on my arrival in Thailand two years ago, I remember there was a need for a cook at the time. Although I had no experience in cooking and only a little interest, I decided to come to Thailand to try something new. However, being the cook has lasted longer than I expected, and I’ve realized that stepping into unfamiliar territory can be challenging. Back in the community, I lived a carefree life, doing only what I was good at and enjoyed. It was a peaceful and happy time. Suddenly transitioning to this small community life, I found it hard to adjust. It gave me a deeper understanding of the daily grind many women in traditional marriages face, trapped in an endless cycle of chores. My discomfort with marriage and family life grew even stronger as I became more aware of its many drawbacks.

The lessons the Greatest Creator arranges are always meaningful. We can’t always remain children; we must grow and evolve. These experiences have only deepened my desire for a beautiful life and fueled my drive to pursue it. I believe that by expanding the depth and breadth of life, we can gain a deeper understanding of the essential truths of the world. I often reminisce about the simple, joyful, and warm collective life in the oasis community. Those memories are deeply embedded in my consciousness, and I hope to improve my own qualities while envisioning the perfection of the heavenly kingdom, a paradise for the Greatest Creator.

Huiyi is very meticulous and resourceful in his work, and he has a particular way of cooking, paying attention to details like balancing flavors, ensuring a good mix of meat and vegetables, and varying the menu with different types of dishes. These are all things he taught me, and I’m grateful for the guidance he has provided on my journey of growth.


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