Lifechanyuan Thailand Branch Through the Lens of a Photographer

Huanxin Celestial

He is a Wanderer, a Photographer, and a Seeker of Life’s Wonders

He rides through the bustling streets of cities and lingers in the breathtaking beauty of nature. As a professional photographer, he carries with him a pair of eyes that are ever ready to capture the wonders he encounters along his journey, documenting the moments and milestones of life’s passage. With a tent and a professional camera, his photography career has spanned over twenty years. He is passionate and carefree, living life with a free spirit, dedicated to his craft, listening to the voice within, and discovering the vivid colors of life’s extraordinary stories.

(These images are excerpts from Haoran’s WeChat Moments, shared with his permission. Enjoy the visual and textual splendor of his photography!)

Haoran is now a frequent visitor to our community. His words often resonate with our principles, finding common ground and harmony in our shared beliefs. During his last stay, he spent several days with us, capturing hundreds of high-definition images that left us deeply moved and grateful.

His partner, Xiaota, also visited to film videos, which she shared on her WeChat public platform. Their presence and their work have enriched our community, capturing the essence of our life here and sharing it with the world. We are thankful for their contributions and look forward to more of their visits and the beautiful moments they capture. 2020-7-2

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