Visiting the Fairy Lady

Huanxin Celestial

After David's first visit, he was deeply attracted to our Lifechanyuan principles, feeling a strong resonance and connection. On his second visit, he warmly brought us kombucha and explained how to use it. On his third visit, he brought his same-sex partner, Noiy, to tour the place. They also brought some gourd seeds and a few tree cuttings. It was David who invited us to visit the renowned "Fairy Lady" here, whose English name is Khruu Noojii. She is a shaman and a follower of Gaia (the Earth Goddess in Greek mythology). She feels like an enlightened healer, full of kindness and love, skilled in sound bowl healing, and eager to help those with whom she shares a connection to open their hearts and raise their levels of consciousness. She said, "You are me, I am you; we are one, and what you see is yourself."

During the visit, we also met two young people from France, Jeff and Juju. After learning about permaculture, they plan to establish their own organic farm. We also met a Chinese girl named Weina, who is a graduate student specializing in food and agriculture, and she is also interested in participating in community life. Additionally, we met a Peruvian lady who teaches Italian and a Thai drum master. It’s clear that David is devout and loving. He believes, "As long as anyone on Earth is unhappy, he cannot find peace. He wants to connect all the communities in the world to form a harmonious and joyful family." After reading the principles that Qianzi shared, in just a few days, he began considering becoming a Chanyuan Celestial and actively learning about it. His partner Noiy, who ran a restaurant in the UK for 14 years and is a skilled Thai chef, finds David’s ideas a bit crazy.

Yesterday, after the Fairy Lady gave us a sound bowl healing session, she briefly explained the seven chakras of the human body. She also used a special Peruvian sacred medicine to promote detoxification and clear the mind of distractions. The experience lasted about one to two hours and was unexpectedly intense. I felt a vague dizziness, a slight loss of control over my body, profuse sweating, nausea, and tears—a form of release, I suppose. Of course, each person’s experience was a bit different, but by the next day, everything was back to normal. The Fairy Lady is a wonderful person, like an angel, radiating light and love. She invited us to gather there once a week and warmly hugged us as we left, reminding us, "If you need any help, you can come to me; we are family."

What a beautiful LIFE this is, filled with gratitude and willingly conquered by love. The divine light of the Greatest Creator shines upon us constantly, and love is everywhere.

Reflecting on my feelings, I realize that there are already many people on Earth pursuing and yearning for an organic, healthy, happy, and joyful community life. More and more people are meditating, practicing yoga, and engaging in spiritual cultivation each year. People are increasingly focused on their inner feelings, experiences, and states of consciousness. Their thoughts are becoming more open and active, no longer constrained by traditional pressures and compromises, making it easier for them to live as they wish. This experience has further strengthened my belief that no matter how grand or lively a religious movement or ritual may be, it’s fleeting like a flash of fire. Walking the path of the Greatest Creator is the ultimate destination for all of humanity. The various religious groups and scattered cultivation methods on Earth are ultimately incomplete, unclear, lacking a definitive goal in life, and ignorant of where we go after death. Only Lifechanyuan provides a comprehensive and complete explanation of LIFE, the universe, time and space, spiritual cultivation, immortality, becoming a Buddha, the antimatter world, the wisdom of revelation, the guide to life, and more. It also offers a clear vision of paradise and a roadmap to the Heavenly Kingdom. This guidance not only liberates us from the struggles of daily life, allowing us to live joyfully, freely, and happily, but also brings a thousand years of blessings to all beings on Earth by creating new life models through selfless service, thereby elevating our LIFE quality to reach the ideal paradise. Building a spiritual garden is the foundation; each step we take is solid. We do not seek shortcuts or empty forms; everything is achieved through natural accumulation. 2020-8-18

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