Thailand Branch: Recent Updates Brief

Yangle Celestial

  • After returning from Mindful Farm, Huiyi procured the necessary materials to build a new bamboo house. Before heading back to his home country on the afternoon of the 19th to secure a one-year student visa, Huiyi made arrangements and provided instructions for the ongoing tasks at the community.

  • Architects Zhaoming and Shujie have fully committed themselves to the construction of the next bamboo house. Their dedication is ensuring that the project progresses smoothly.

  • Qianlong, Zhishi, and Qianmo have begun working on repairing the dirt road that leads from the highway to the community. This effort will improve accessibility and make it easier for visitors and members alike to reach the Thailand Branch.

  • The community has been welcoming several volunteers recently. Along with an Indian girl named Nebida who returned with us from Mindful Farm, an American named David also visited the next day, driving over from Mindful Farm. Tomorrow, an Australian volunteer will arrive from Mindful Farm to experience life at the Thailand Branch.

  • There are many overgrown areas on the hillside that need to be cleared. Yesterday, Tongxin and others purchased a new grass cutter in Chiang Mai. Phu, a Thai friend who is a permanent resident at Mindful Farm and enjoys grass cutting, will be taking on this task, keeping the environment neat and well-maintained. 2019-7-24

Last updated