Building a New House by the Water

Huanxin Celestial

Choose a quiet forest, bask in the glow of the setting sun; where the shimmering waters dance with fish, and the summer banana groves echo with the songs of birds. Time flows like a river, aging us gently, while fleeting moments of beauty seem like illusions. Flowers fall, water flows, and the music of nature lingers in the air. Cherish the present, and create joyfully.

Recently, Huiyi and Huiguang officially began the construction of our new celestial abode. This new dwelling is nestled within a tall grove of banana trees, standing beside a peaceful pond. Here, there’s no noise to disturb the ear—only the sounds of wind, rain, rustling leaves, chirping insects, and singing birds. Truly, it’s a place of "serenity where few tread, with only nature’s music as the divine song."

The plan is to build a wooden house, drawing from past experience and local Thai advice. Following traditional methods, all the wood needs to be soaked in water for two days before the bark is scraped off and the wood is painted. This process helps to protect the wood from being chewed on by ants and other insects. Concrete pillars have also been purchased for the foundation. However, after soaking the wood, the logs began drifting far away from where they were submerged. Huiyi, showing his impressive skills, had to dive into the water to retrieve the floating logs. It turns out that his swimming abilities are as strong as his other talents, as he deftly recovered most of the wood. Unfortunately, nine of the logs, still heavy with moisture, sank to the bottom. But Guang came up with a clever solution: using simple materials at hand, he quickly crafted a small boat and returned to the water, managing to salvage eight of the nine submerged logs. The last log remains missing, for now.

Huiyi jokingly suggested that once the house is completed, it would be perfect for those whose five elements (wuxing) lack water. When asked, Guang humorously replied that he lacks both water and fire in his five elements. This lighthearted moment had us all laughing, as it was the first time any of us had heard such a thing. The intricacies of wuxing and their interactions can indeed be perplexing. As I reflected, I realized I’ve never really considered what my own five elements might lack. It seems that what I miss most is the presence of our guide. Spending time with our guide, absorbing some celestial energy, might just be what I need to help my stubborn spirit ascend a bit more quickly.

Now that house construction is underway, Guang is once again in his element, shining in his favorite and most skilled activity. In life, when you engage in what you love and excel at, you can truly radiate brilliance and live in a state of full-hearted joy. As for me, building houses is beyond my expertise, so I’m eagerly looking forward to watching Guang’s magnificent performance. Let’s all watch and see how this beautiful project unfolds!


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