Joy, Happiness, Gratitude

Huanxin Celestial

Lately, I've been immersed in the joy and happiness of various harvests. Yangle left us some delightful surprises: the gourds are thriving, and the sweet potatoes have also yielded a bountiful harvest. We harvested two baskets of roselle flowers, made sweet and sour jam, removed the seeds, dried the calyxes, and now we have a delicious drink. The cucumber seedlings nurtured by Qianzi, under the meticulous care of Brother Guang, have borne abundant fruit—crisp, refreshing, and sweet. We also unexpectedly dug up a lot of ginger that we had planted. The bananas are plentiful year-round, and we dried some sweet bananas for snacks.

Brother Huiyi has quietly taken on much of the beautification work both on and off the mountain. Carrying a weed cutter, he tirelessly battles the resilient weeds, tending to every corner and detail of the garden until everything is neat and orderly. Walking on the lush green lawn often brings a sense of comfort and ease. Nicknamed "All-Powerful Brother," Guang not only demonstrates his extraordinary skills in repair and production but also has a knack for gardening. The gourds, cucumbers, and eggplants he manages are all thriving with vitality. Even the strawberries, under his gentle care, have shyly begun to blossom.

Yangle is a gardening genius. The sweet potato seedlings he planted were not bought from the market but came from a few sprouting sweet potatoes he had grown himself. By cutting the stems, rooting them in water, and propagating them, each segment of the vine could root, sprout, and grow into a new plant. I had previously only seen sweet potato propagation done in nurseries, so this was a new learning experience.

When Yangle and Qianzi came back for a visit, it was a warm and joyful time. Yangle generously taught us a new propagation technique called "air-layering," which has the advantage of not requiring the plant to start from a seedling; it grows as old as the mother plant, allowing it to bear fruit quickly. I was familiar with sowing, cutting, dividing, and layering propagation methods, but this was my first time practicing this technique. (If anyone is interested in learning more, you can search for "Lifechanyuan Thailand Branch" on Kuaishou and watch the live instructional videos I filmed.) Qianzi, never idle, helped with cooking for a few days, preparing heartfelt and delicious dishes like stir-fried rice noodles, pizza, duck rolls, and banana milkshakes for us. I'm deeply touched and grateful. It's great to have you, my dear travel companion.

Walking on the path of the Greatest Creator, "You reap what you sow." As long as we follow the natural order and work diligently, we are sure to receive abundant rewards. In this world, we do not possess or occupy anything, having nothing yet lacking nothing. The Greatest Creator knows what we need, and with sincere diligence in nurturing the tree of LIFE, we are certain to bear sweet fruits in the Kingdom of Heaven one day.


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