Daily Life at the Thailand Community

Huiyi Celestial

With the recent surge in the pandemic in Thailand, restrictions have tightened across the country. Travel in and out of cities is limited, and places of entertainment, gatherings, and events have been closed or canceled. Schools have also suspended classes, meaning we don’t need to attend for the time being. As a result, our days have become relatively leisurely.

As the saying goes, "A day of leisure is a day of being like an immortal." Dear friends, please enjoy a glimpse into our serene and tranquil lifestyle during these times!

Though the outside world may be filled with challenges, here at the Thailand Branch, we find solace in the calm and beauty of our surroundings. These days of quiet offer us a chance to slow down, reflect, and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. Whether it's tending to our garden, enjoying peaceful walks, or simply being present with one another, we are making the most of this period of calm.

Stay safe, and remember that even in times of uncertainty, there is always room for peace and joy in our hearts. 2020-3-31

Last updated