Today, four parrots came to deliver messages of longing.

Huiyi Celestial

It’s been over a month since Yangle and Qianzi left for the new location. Without the humor of Yangle and the fun brought by Qianzi, life has been quite lonely and quiet, and we miss them dearly. With so few people here, and now split into two groups, it's as if we’re afflicted by a constant yearning. But today, four beautiful parrots came to visit us, chattering non-stop, surely conveying messages of longing from our loved ones far away.

Huaxin’s diligent and capable nature always injects us with immense energy and confidence. She wakes up at 5:30 in the morning, even before dawn, to put the laundry in the washing machine, then prepares breakfast for us. We eat at 7:00, and after breakfast, she washes the dishes, hangs up the clothes, cleans the kitchen, bedrooms, and the dance hall. Then she tends to the flowers, waters them, picks vegetables, and begins preparing lunch. After lunch, instead of resting, she goes out to weed and burn the trash, working until 5:00 in the evening when she starts making dinner. She seems tireless despite working all day long. When we ask her how she manages it, she always smiles and says she’s protected by divine light. This makes Brother Guang and me, both men, feel a bit embarrassed. Ah! Where has our divine light gone?

During this rainy season, besides attending school, shopping, handling visa matters, and taking the kids out for a walk once a week on average, I've mostly been cutting grass. I’ve experienced firsthand the speed at which weeds and shrubs grow during Thailand's rainy season. No wonder it's customary here to burn the mountains at certain times of the year. The courtyard, lakeside, around the vegetable garden, near the houses, along the roads, and a large area on the hillside all needed to be cleared. Usually, by the time I finish one area, the grass has already regrown in another. The abundant rain and sunlight make Thailand’s rainy season vibrant with life. The lawn in front of the kitchen and dining room has been mowed four or five times, the area around the banana and fruit trees on the hillside twice, and now the banana trees are standing tall and proud. Some places, however, I haven't had time to mow even once. I plan to take care of it all at once after the rainy season ends.

Brother Guang has been unwell for nearly two months and hasn't fully recovered. He can’t do heavy work or work for long periods, nor can he eat raw, cold, or greasy foods. He didn’t want to worry anyone, so he kept it to himself. According to the hospital, the treatment is expensive and lengthy, potentially taking one to two years. Guang feels that the cost is high and that the side effects of the medication are significant, so he chose to recuperate at home. Whenever he feels slightly better, he comes out to work. He maintains a positive attitude every day and never spreads any negative energy to us, earning our deep respect. Sometimes we also see him doing Chanyuan exercises, but his condition has not improved. I have no experience with this, and we’re uncertain about the progression of his illness, so we’d like to hear any good suggestions from our family (the condition is quite complex, and for details, please contact Guang privately).

The man in the picture below, Brother Pierre, is hardworking, capable, sincere, and straightforward. He is full of passion and longing for the Oasis life, saying that this is the most beautiful, tidy, and joyful place he has ever been to. He expressed his desire to apply to become a Chanyuan Celestial. To be responsible for himself and Chanyuan, he plans to thoroughly read through the teachings first, then live and work with us for three months, quit some of his bad habits (such as smoking), and then formally apply to become a Celestial. He is currently working at the new location with Qianzi and Yangle.

A couple of days ago, I heard that Yangle and Qianzi helped entertain forty to fifty guests at a temple, earning 800 baht in tips, which is our highest income so far. Let’s celebrate that!


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