Israeli Girl Talya

Huanxin Celestial

Talya Ladani, a 25-year-old from Israel, has been traveling through Thailand after spending two years living and working in Australia. She’s a strong and independent woman who follows the work-for-food-and-lodging route, demonstrating remarkable courage and resourcefulness. A quick search revealed that Israel has a predominantly Jewish population, with Judaism, Islam, and Christianity being the main religions. The common languages spoken there are Hebrew and Arabic. Talya enjoys smoking, avoids pork and seafood, but is okay with eating fish.

During her brief stay, Huiyi worked with her to clear and prune the dried banana leaves in our living area. They also enjoyed a relaxing hot spring bath and a cozy bonfire evening, where Guang played a few tunes on the flute. Although her visit was short—just a day and a half, as she had plans to meet her mother—we were impressed by her fearless spirit and adventurous heart.

Talya’s journey reminded us of previous visitors like Yao Yao from Japan and Anna from England, both young women traveling the world on their own, handling their own needs for food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Their carefree and fearless approach to life is truly admirable.

We wish Talya a smooth and wonderful journey ahead, filled with beautiful experiences and adventures.


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