Attention: We’re Surrounded

Huanxin Celestial

Butterflies are truly some of the most beautiful creatures on Earth. It's said that there are over 14,000 species worldwide, yet we rarely see more than a few of them in our daily lives. And if you live in a city, spotting a butterfly can be even more of a rarity. However, something delightful has happened recently at the Thailand Branch—it seems we’ve been surrounded by butterflies!

Along the paths, we’ve planted flowers like globe amaranth, cockscomb, and cosmos, among others. The scents and vibrant colors of these flowers have attracted several species of butterflies, which have come to help pollinate the plants. These little creatures flutter about in groups, tirelessly playing among the blossoms. Even when I try to take pictures, they remain undisturbed, continuing their dance as if posing for the camera. They’re not afraid at all and gracefully flap their wings, changing their poses, which I find incredibly endearing.

Walking down this flower-lined path, surrounded by the vibrant flowers and dancing butterflies, is a spectacular sight. It’s difficult to capture the full beauty of the scene without professional recording equipment; you really have to be there to experience it. “Where flowers bloom, butterflies will come; where the heart is pure, immortals will arrive.” I’ve never been so mesmerized by a scene of butterflies in flight like this before. Although the variety of butterflies might not be vast, their sheer numbers create an impressive spectacle. This experience has made me even more excited about the idea of a garden filled with rare and exotic flowers—it’s bound to attract a rainbow of butterflies. The lively energy of life in such a garden would be beyond beautiful, something to truly get lost in.

This experience teaches us that when we remove impurities and cultivate the garden of our hearts, unexpected surprises will appear, and we may even receive guidance from celestial beings. 2020-6-20

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