There is Still Glory on the Other Side

Huanxin Celestial

Lately, I’ve been drawn to a phrase: “There is still glory on the other side.” It means that no matter how long the journey or how challenging the path, there is always a glimmer of hope and a bright future waiting for us ahead. The full quote is, “Youth does not fear the passage of time; there is still glory on the other side.” We are all moving forward along our predetermined life paths, step by step, but no matter what we are currently engaged in or what challenges we face, even if the years stretch long and the road winds and twists, our belief can dispel all doubts and illusions.

I firmly believe that the new life model of Life Oasis will reemerge in an even more perfect form and will be embraced by people around the world. The new era of Lifechanyuan will gradually replace the old systems, and this process of evolution feels like the best time for spiritual practice. It allows us to experience the joy of creating something out of nothing together, to cherish this once-in-a-lifetime celestial opportunity. On every day that we can dance among blooming flowers, the glory of paradise rises in our hearts, filling us with infinite hope. This light will guide us toward our ideal realm.


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