Anan’s Visit,Meeting Naiyana

Huanxin Celestial

1. Mulberries Bear Fruit Again One day, while I was cleaning the kitchen, Huiyi, who was out mowing the lawn, suddenly called out excitedly for me to come and pick some mulberries. I was puzzled at first, wondering if it was really mulberry season. But when I reached the mulberry tree, I found it had quietly produced many plump, purple-red berries without me noticing. Seeing the branches heavy with fruit filled my heart with joy. I picked one and tasted it—sweet and tangy, a true delicacy. This mulberry tree has always been a reliable fruit bearer in our garden, with each year bringing more abundance than the last. I recall giving it two buckets of diluted urea about a month ago, and it seems to have responded quickly, even producing some uniquely heart-shaped berries, as if the tree itself were expressing gratitude. It made me reflect on the idea that all living things are connected and can respond to our intentions. Giving is the foundation of receiving, whether it’s with people or with nature.

2. Selling Cabbage Last week, Guang went to the market to sell cabbage, and it sold out in no time. He returned, happily sharing, "Vegetables are even more popular than bananas; we should consider growing more." After selling vegetables three times, it’s clear that the locals have a strong preference for them—demand always exceeds supply. Even after selling a portion, we still have some cabbage left in the field, now beginning to head. Besides using it for our own meals, we also need to provide the chickens with vegetables. We plan to plant another batch of cabbage and Shanghai greens while the weather is still cool. But growing anything requires careful attention to water and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). The process of gardening also offers lessons in understanding natural laws and the opportunity to communicate with plants. It’s about learning to provide just the right amount of water and fertilizer, understanding their needs and growth cycles, and nurturing them to thrive and produce abundantly. This requires both experience and a heightened sense of intuition.

3. The Egg-Laying Frenzy Lately, our chickens seem to be on an energy boost—they’re in the middle of an egg-laying frenzy, producing eggs with great enthusiasm. Out of our ten chickens, one is a rooster, and the rest have been laying seven or eight eggs daily. We’ve been enjoying scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, steamed eggs, and fried eggs every day, and there’s nothing quite like the feeling of having more eggs than we can eat. Guang, our dedicated “chicken mom,” not only crafts various handmade items and maintains our facilities, but he also takes great care of the chickens, providing them with shade and feeding them well. He’s even researched their habits and characteristics to ensure they’re well cared for. Guang’s meticulous and perfectionist approach is evident in everything he does, always putting in the effort to ensure things are done right.

4. Anan's Visit and Meeting Naiyana Anan is a monk we met at the second branch, originally from Sri Lanka and now practicing in Thailand. He acts as the assistant to the abbot, helping to receive visitors and assisting with various duties. Last week, during his vacation, he visited the nearby temple and took the opportunity to catch up with us at the first branch. After Huiyi gave him a tour of our place, Anan offered to take us to visit a friend’s farm nearby. It turns out that many people are now interested in farming and living sustainably. The farm we visited is run by a Thai father and daughter, featuring neat rows of rectangular vegetable beds, well-organized and spacious. The farm also boasts strawberry plants, large passion fruits, banana trees, durian trees, coffee trees, lychee trees, mango trees, and a pond with flowing water, creating a vibrant and lively environment. It’s a beautiful place, a reminder that there are wonderful spots like this everywhere.

Anan then took us to meet a Thai woman named Naiyana, who lives with her Australian husband and their adorable mixed-race daughter. Huiyi and Guang gave a brief introduction to our community model in fluent English, and I showed her an English video by Baichuan saved on my phone. According to Huiyi and Guang, it seems this seemingly ordinary family might also be spiritually inclined, with Naiyana possibly being something of a spiritual master, similar to others we’ve met before. She might be able to sense people’s energy fields and is skilled at helping guide others emotionally and mentally, acting as a healer. This era indeed seems to be producing many masters. My first impression of her was positive—she spoke with a constant smile and a friendly demeanor. Before leaving, we exchanged Facebook contacts, and she expressed interest in staying in touch and learning from each other. This visit turned out to be well worth it, as we not only gained new insights but also made a new friend.


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