A Glimpse into the Progress at the Thailand Community


With the approval of our landlord, Mr. Pi Nan, we have received permission to erect the "Lifechanyuan International Family" sign at our Thailand Community. This marks the official birth of Lifechanyuan's home in Thailand. Once conditions allow, we can hold a sign-raising ceremony to announce our presence to the world.

The establishment of the Thailand Community would not have been possible without Huiyi’s significant contributions, and we can rightfully call him the founder of Lifechanyuan’s Thailand Community. Fengxing and Huiguang have also played crucial roles in laying the groundwork for this home, earning them the title of the community’s pioneers.

Recently, Conglong, Ailian, Luoyan, and Biyue have arrived at the Thailand Community, beginning their journey of building a home under challenging conditions. These four are truly blessed as they embark on this exciting new chapter.

The qualities of Chanyuan Celestials shine brightly wherever they go, earning them respect and admiration. With their exceptional virtues and capabilities, these six brothers and sisters will undoubtedly uphold the Thailand Community, transforming it into an international family. We can now proudly declare to the world: The selfless and virtuous Chanyuan Celestials have the moral integrity, quality, and ability to set an example for humanity.

Soon, Zhaoming, Baojuan, and Huafan will also join the Lifechanyuan International Family in Thailand. We eagerly anticipate their unique contributions, as they help create a magnificent new chapter in the era of Lifechanyuan.

And it seems that our journey in Thailand is already off to a colorful start! As soon as the lovely Luoyan stepped out, she attracted the attention of a handsome gentleman, posing for a photo together. Meanwhile, Huiguang finally got the chance to embrace a beautiful woman. Congratulations to everyone on these delightful encounters—may the flowers of romance bloom every day!


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