Recent Developments at the Thailand Branch

Yangle Celestial

Dear Guide, beloved brothers, and sisters:

Greetings to everyone!

Currently, the International Family’s Thailand Branch has nine members—three fairies and six immortals. When Zhishi and Qianmo first arrived in Thailand, they happened to coincide with the Thailand Branch hosting its first volunteer, a young Thai man named Bank. Bank stayed here for two nights, and when he left, the Thailand Branch received its first income—400 Thai Baht. In the following days, Bank visited the oasis twice more after realizing he had left behind his charger and some clothes.

Previously, apart from drinking water and some kitchen water, all other water used in the branch was drawn directly from the pond. With Qianlong’s arrival, we embarked on a quest for new water sources and water purification projects. Although the search for a new water source was paused without success, we have made progress in purifying water for laundry, bathing, and kitchen use. During this time, our new bathroom and dance hall were nearly completed simultaneously. The bathroom is currently in the trial and adjustment phase, and the dance hall will be ready to open once the EM (Effective Microorganisms) solution is in place.

Yesterday, we took a day off and visited a nearby farm called Monkey Farm for a tour and some fun. Once again, Fengxing voluntarily stayed back to guard the house and made us delicious pancakes.

We continue to play as we explore, and explore as we play, all while bathing in the light of the Greatest Creator. Guided by the guide and hand in hand with our family members, our lives in the oasis are filled with happiness and joy.

Without further ado, let’s get to the photos: 2019-7-14

Last updated